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Created May 5, 2024 10:31
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Example of cloudflare4ddns script
# Update Cloudflare DNS IPv4 address script
# RouterOS version >= 6.44 is required
# Update time 17:35:25 UTC Thursday, 22 February 2024 by hyk0083
# WAN IPv4 interface
:local wanif "pppoe-out1"
# Cloudflare section
:local key "Bearer $bearer_token"
:local zoneId "$zoneId"
:local hostId "$hostId"
# Domain hostname
:local hostName ""
# Get WAN interface IPv4 address
:global ip4wan
:local ip4new [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=$wanif] address]
:set ip4new [:pick [:tostr $ip4new] 0 [:find [:tostr $ip4new] "/"]]
:if ([:len $ip4new] = 0) do={
:log error "[Cloudflare DDNS] Could not get IPv4 for interface $wanif"
:error "[Cloudflare DDNS] Could not get IPv4 for interface $wanif"
:if ($ip4new != $ip4wan) do={
:log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] WAN IPv4 address for interface $wanif has been changed to $ip4new."
:local url "$zoneId/dns_records/$hostId"
:local header "Authorization: $key, content-type: application/json"
:local data "{\"type\":\"A\",\"name\":\"$hostName\",\"content\":\"$ip4new\",\"ttl\":120}"
# :log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] URL: $url"
# :log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] HEADER: $header"
# :log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] DATA: $data"
:log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] Updating host $hostName address."
:local jsonAnswer [/tool fetch mode=https http-method=put http-header-field=$header http-data=$data url=$url as-value output=user]
:if ([:len $jsonAnswer] > 0) do={
/system script run "JParseFunctions"; global JSONLoads; global JSONUnload
:local result ([$JSONLoads ($jsonAnswer->"data")]->"success")
:if ($result = true) do={
:log info "[Cloudflare DDNS] Successfully updated IPv4 address to $ip4new."
:set ip4wan $ip4new
} else={
:log error "[Cloudflare DDNS] Error while updating IPv4 address."
} else={
:log error "[Cloudflare DDNS] No answer from Cloudflare API."
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