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Created December 8, 2017 10:08
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Testing write of data to STDERR with atoum
<?php namespace estvoyage\ticTacToe\tests\units\output\cli;
require __DIR__ . '/../../../runner.php';
use estvoyage\ticTacToe\tests\units;
use mock\estvoyage\ticTacToe as mockOfTicTacToe;
class stderr extends units\test
$stderr = ''
function beforeTestMethod($method = null)
// Thanks to rwb from for the idea!
stream_filter_register("bufferizer", "estvoyage\\ticTacToe\\tests\\units\\output\\cli\\bufferizer");
// STDERR constant is not available if reading code from stdin, and atoum read code from stdin when concurrent engine is used,
// so, we define the constant here to avoid error about undefined constant.
if (! defined('STDERR'))
define('STDERR', fopen('php://stderr', 'w'));
// append an instance of bufferizer to STDERR and link `this->stderr` to it, so each data sent to STDERR is now appended to this property.
// We use an array because php does not allow to pass argument by reference directly (very crappy, but it works fine).
stream_filter_append(STDERR, "bufferizer", STREAM_FILTER_WRITE, [ & $this->stderr ]);
function testClass()
function testControllerOfOutputDataIs() :void
$data = new mockOfTicTacToe\output\data,
$controller = new mockOfTicTacToe\output\controller
// this method use STDERR
$this->testedInstance->controllerOfOutputDataIs($data, $controller)
$string = uniqid(),
$this->calling($data)->recipientOfStringIs = function($recipient) use ($string) {
$this->testedInstance->controllerOfOutputDataIs($data, $controller)
// Bufferizer class used by `stream_filter_register`.
// Basically append to a variable all data writed in the `$in` stream.
class bufferizer extends \php_user_filter
function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
while ($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in)) {
$this->buffer .= $bucket->data;
return PSFS_PASS_ON;
function onCreate()
// Init the buffer using the null coalesce operator, at least i'm using it!
$this->buffer = & $this->params[0] ?? '';
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