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YumML - Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language
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YumML - Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language
Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language - you know, for food.


Version: 0.1
Date: 2011-09-21
Author: Paul Jenkins

Table of Contents

Version History

0.1 - Initial draft



What It Is: YAML is a human-friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

YumML (the sound you make when you eat a recipe made from Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language), is based on YAML instead of XML to create a human and system readable format.

YumML has three level of detail - Basic/Required, Optional and Extended. The Basic/Required is the minimum that YumML recipes and parsers/programs must support.

Optional values are as the name implies, optional for recipes and parsers, but recommended for both. Optional values include:

  • duration of each step,
  • an image of the overall product or of each step,
  • what tools are required for the recipe

While they aren't required, they can make recipes much easier to follow.

Extended detail is metadata about the recipe, helping link steps to ingredients and which steps can be done in a parallel fashion. While this metadata generally should not be exposed to the end user in a YumML application, it is useful for generating graphs in the Tabular Recipe Notation style.

Basic Example

This is an abridged recipe, cutting out steps and ingredients. This is by design to show off the basic and required form of a YumML recipe. You can find the full basic example recipe in it's own YumML file

name: Mrs Fields Choc-Chip Cookies
time: 25 minutes
  - qty: 2.5
    unit: cups
    item: plain flour

  - qty: .5
    unit: tsp
    item: bi-carb of soda

  - step: Mix flour, bi-carb soda, and salt in a large bowl
  - step: Blend sugars with electric mixer, add margarine to form a grainy paste

Extended Example

Like the above basic example, this is an abridged extended example. You can find the full extended example recipe in it's own YumML file

name: Mrs Fields Choc-Chip Cookies
date: 2011-09-21
time: 25 minutes
  - qty: 2.5
    unit: cups
    item: plain flour
    id: 1

  - qty: .5
    unit: tsp
    item: bi-carb of soda
    id: 2

  - qty: .25
    unit: tsp
    item: salt
    id: 3

  - step: Mix flour, bi-carb soda, and salt in a large bowl
    uses: 1,2,3
    id: 11

  - step: Blend sugars with electric mixer, add margarine to form a grainy paste
    uses: 4,5,6
    id: 12


The two examples above should demonstrate that there are three main sections to a YumML recipe - the header, the ingredients list, and the method (or instruction/steps) listing.


Extended Only
Adding identifiers to the steps and ingredients sections makes each recipe more complex, but creates huge potential for the way to present the data by linking ingredients to steps, and ordering/arranging steps together. In particular, Michael Chu (of Cooking For Engineers) has the fantastic Tabular Recipe Notation and creating a data format that can output that table format would be difficult without being able to identify where each ingredient or step comes into the process.

Here's an example of the Tabular Recipe Notation for the above recipe

flour mix Add & Stir Blend Bake @ 160c
for 18-20mins
Transfer to cooling rack
brown sugar blend Add & Stir
white sugar
eggs beat
golden syrup
choc chips

This is a (relatively) complex example showing steps involving one or more ingredients and some steps having the output of a previous step, but it doesn't show steps being executed simultaneously.

There is no need to restrict identifiers to a particular format - they can be alphanumeric (a->z, 0->9), sequential (1,2,3,4...), random or GUIDs - just so long as they're unique.


name: Mrs Fields Choc-Chip Cookies
date: 2011-09-21
time: 25 minutes
serves: 1
makes: 25
  • cookies - chocolate

  • name, name of the recipe

  • Optional: date

  • Optional: time, how long the recipe should take

  • Optional: serves, how many people the recipe should serve - best suited for 'meal' recipes

  • Optional: makes, how many items it makes - best suited for baking (ie, 25 cookies could serve 25 people 1 cookie each, or 1 person with 25 cookies over several days)


- qty: 2.5
  unit: cups
  item: plain flour
  id: 1
  • qty, quantity should be listed in decimal format (not fractional) for ease of conversion
  • unit, quantity without a qualifier (cups, tsp, tbsp, lbs, g, kg, mL, L) means nothing.
  • item, the actual ingredient name
  • Extended: id. See IDs


Each step (or instruction) in any recipe has a basic "do foo with bar", but there is further metadata you could attach with each step.

- step: Mix flour, bi-carb soda, and salt in a large bowl
  tools: large bowl, spoon
  image: mixing.jpg
  brief: mix
  id: 4
  uses: 1,2,3
  duration: 1
  timer: 120
  • step is the full description/instruction for that particular step
  • Optional: tools are what utensils/tools are being used in that step. This could potentially be used to create a filter of recipes based on what utensils you do or don't have.
  • Optional: image would represent a relative or absolute path to a photo associated with that step. Depending on the complexity or ambiguity of a recipe, visual aids often help.
  • Extended: id. See IDs
  • Optional: uses a list of comma separated ingredient ID's. That is for this step, it'd use the ingredients labeled 1, 2 and 3.
  • Optional: duration should be listed in minutes


Optionally, YumML recipes combined with photos/images associated with the recipe could be packaged into a single file which would be just a renamed zip file (.YumZ). Any image referenced in the recipe should be relative paths rather than absolute.

Is there a need for a packaging standard/format for it? It'd be an easy way to cche it on portable devices if you just had to download a single file then expand, rather than downloading each. It makes the format more portable but probably isn't a pressing need.

layout title description date tags
YumML, use YumML, not XML
Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language - you know, for food.
food yumml

I won't beat around the bush - existing metadata formats for food recipes suck. Alone that would be my typical bold/arrogant claim, so I present my findings on five different formats (RecipeML, Recipe Exchange Markup Language, CookML and RecipeBook XML) to backup that statement, and then my proposed format. There was a sixth format I was looking into - MealMaster - but the recipe structure doesn't seem to be defined anywhere and as far as I know the only program to use it is MealMaster itself.

###RecipeML### RecipeML is an XML based format, and this sets a common theme for most of the other recipe metadata formats. XML (and to a lesser degree JSON) are great at machine or system level communication, but they're unwieldy for a human level communication. Build an app on top of the format to read it, and frankly it doesn't matter that much at the end of the day, but it still isn't a perfect system. The problem is creating the recipes in the first place - you either have to generate XML by hand, or use a form to do it which is painful (just for the ingredients list, it would have to be a series of dropdowns for units, lots of add buttons, etc).

RecipeML has been around since 2000, and that age gives it a huge amount of recipes available in that format, which is certainly it's strong point. The format itself isn't badly designed for system communication - it's just when you involve squishy humans that it fails. In all fairness, it hasn't been updated since 2002.

From the examples page

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE recipeml PUBLIC "-//FormatData//DTD RecipeML 0.5//EN" "">
<?xml-stylesheet href="dessert1.css" type="text/css"?>
<recipeml version="0.5">
      <title>The Needless-Markman Hoax Chocolate-Chip Cookie</title>
	  	<!-- snip -->
      	<step>Measure oatmeal and blend in a blender to a fine powder</step>
		<!-- snip -->

It is a verbose format, but there are things to like about it - separating out quantity and unit for each ingredient makes it easy to translate between imperial and metric.

###The Recipe Exchange Markup Language### From the REML project page

I might have developed against an existing markup languages, but RecipeML is mired in licensing problems, and CookML is written in German.

My reasons for not using CookML are below, but the point about RecipeML is... interesting. I don't know if it does actually have licensing issues - I don't care, but if it is true, it's a good reason not to use it.

What of REML itself? From the sample only found inside a zip file on the project page, listed the ingredients like so:

<ingredient name="Corn flakes" quantity-integer="1">

In addition, I couldn't find anything other than the one sample recipe, so it could very well be a dead format.

###CookML### I couldn't find an actual example recipe of CookML, but I don't think I need to.

  • It's XML based
  • if you thought RecipeML was verbose, the documentation for CookML is at least twice the size
  • Unlike RecipeML it doesn't seem to have a huge wealth of recipes available

###RecipeBook XML### Already the title gives away the main issue - it's XML - but RecipeBook XML seems very similar to RecipeML by only adding the equipment used, yet dropping the step definition and lumping all instructions in one block.

##YumML (or Yet Another Recipe Metadata Language)## Design Considerations

  • I wanted a format that didn't need a long reference guide (which certainly cut out CookML!)
  • I wanted something that could be easily read by non-technical people in the 'raw' format, or via an app
  • I wanted something that could translatable between imperial and metric (in Australia, we use cups for measuring although everything is still metric, yet other places just use metric weights or volumes)
  • Ideally I wanted the markdown of recipes, while maintaining some form of required structure for easy parsing for apps


What It Is: YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages.

YumML is based on YAML instead of XML to create a human and system readable format.

Basic Example
This only includes two ingredients, and two steps. This is deliberate to try and keep this post from being massive - see further down for the full recipe.

name: Mrs Fields Choc-Chip Cookies
date: 2011-09-21
time: 25 minutes
    - qty : 2.5
      unit: cups
      item: plain flour

    - qty : .5 
      unit: tsp 
      item: bi-carb of soda

    - step: Mix flour, bi-carb soda, and salt in a large bowl
    - step: Blend sugars with electric mixer, add margarine to form a grainy paste

If you compare this against any XML based format, it's cleaner and easier to read and write, while still maintaining the ability to convert each unit into another form. There is also provision for more detailed

Full Specification
I've split the YumML specs off into a separate page to avoid the ranty bit's on the top of this blog post.

There isn't a central repository of YumML recipe's just yet - if there is any interest, I'll build one but first I'm looking at developing various tools for YumML, such as YumML2Html to generate the Tabular Recipe Notation table from CookingForEngineers and display clients for WP7 & Windows with voice controls.

Mrs Fields Choc Chip Cookies (Basic YumML)
Mrs Fields Choc Chip Cookies (Extended YumML)

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kropsi commented Apr 14, 2017

Hello, great article 👍 I was curious to read your sepc for YumML, all links in this article are now dead.

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This looks similar to Open Recipe Format -

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magarcia commented Jul 2, 2019

@kropsi Sorry for the very very very late response, I didn't get a notification. The article it's not mine (I don't remember the owner) I just copied the basic specification.

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magarcia commented Jul 2, 2019

@dcrobertson01 Thanks I was not aware about this one.

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kmein commented Aug 27, 2019

Also, the MealMaster format is defined here:

With this spec it should be trivial to write a parser.

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there is also a RecipeML - a xml format that looks very complete. And bit of a pita.

There is an archive of recipes converted from MealMaster format to RecipeML

Another recipe application - Cookbook.

Beginning to wish web developers would realise that not everybody browses the web with their phones all the time. Such a lazy way to make a site 'responsive'.

Also - why is there so little software for recipes? Cooking seems to have taken over TV and most of the newspapers. Why so few applications?

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Why so few applications?

@dcrobertson01 Because developers don't cook 😢

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