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Last active September 13, 2022 19:15
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car, cdr, cadadr and friends in clojure
(ns car
"The sixties are back!"
[clojure.math.combinatorics :as combo]))
(defn ad-combos [n]
(mapcat (fn [i]
(combo/selections '[a d] i))
(range 1 (inc n)))))
(defn make-name [combo]
(symbol (str "c" (apply str combo) "r")))
(def ad->fn
{'a `first, 'd `next})
(defn make-fn [combo]
`(comp ~@(map ad->fn combo)))
(defmacro defcadrs
([] `(defcadrs 4))
(vec (for [combo (ad-combos n)]
`(defn ~(make-name combo)
(~(make-fn combo) ~'coll))))))
(defcadrs 6)
;; Yay, super readable code!
;; Can you guess what each one evaluates to?
(caddar '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken) duck))
(cadadr '((peas carrots tomatoes) (pork beef chicken) duck))
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