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Last active June 27, 2018 08:28
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Conditional Vagrant Provisioner
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
# When you type 'up' the first time, it's always updated
config.vm.provision 'update', type: 'shell', inline: "apt-get update;apt-get -yq upgrade"
# When you provision the machine, you're asked whether you want to update it
if ARGV.include?('up') or ARGV.include?('reload') or ARGV.include?('resume') and ARGV.include?('--provision') or ARGV.include?('provision')
print 'Do you want to update the server (y/n)? '
if STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase != 'y'
config.vm.provision 'update', type: 'shell', inline: ''
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