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Full Stack and Mobile Developer

Mack Browne mackbrowne

Full Stack and Mobile Developer
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mxstbr /
Last active August 20, 2024 12:43
Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

Enable tab completion for JSX with Emmet in Atom

This guide assumes you have the emmet and language-babel packages already installed in Atom

Gif of the tab completion working

  1. Open the keymap.cson file by clicking on Atom -> Keymap… in the menu bar
  2. Add these lines of code to your keymap:
witooh /
Created February 1, 2015 17:42
Install Graphicsmagick
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rwky/graphicsmagick
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
kyleschmolze /
Created December 10, 2014 20:42
Easy back button service for Ionic on Android
# I wanted to be able to easily add back button callbacks to certain app states
# (using the word "state" here in the context of ui-router).
# For example, I always know that the back button on page X should quit the app, etc.
# So I wrote this nifty service.
angular.module("groupmuse").service "BackButtonManager", ($rootScope, $ionicPlatform) ->
managedStates = []
$rootScope.$on '$stateChangeSuccess', (event, next) ->
# Disable all listeners