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Last active January 18, 2024 11:22
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  • Save mSobhy90/bfce8e96bdf9387956345408510d5e44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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MapStruct <> Lombok boolean property with `is` in the name issue
// The mapper generated by MapStruct without fixes (commented out code)
package com.transferwise.swiftprocessor.mapper.event;
import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;
value = "org.mapstruct.ap.MappingProcessor",
date = "2024-01-17T22:06:57+0000",
comments = "version: 1.5.3.Final, compiler: IncrementalProcessingEnvironment from gradle-language-java-7.4.2.jar, environment: Java 17.0.9 (Azul Systems, Inc.)"
public class TestMapperImpl implements TestMapper {
public LombokTest fromNonLombok(NonLombokTest test) {
if ( test == null ) {
return null;
LombokTest.LombokTestBuilder lombokTest = LombokTest.builder();
lombokTest.valid( test.isValid() );
lombokTest.isGood( test.isIsGood() );
public NonLombokTest fromLombok(LombokTest test) {
if ( test == null ) {
return null;
boolean isGood = false;
boolean valid = false;
isGood = test.isGood();
valid = test.isValid();
NonLombokTest nonLombokTest = new NonLombokTest( valid, isGood );
return nonLombokTest;
// The mapper generated by MapStruct with fixes (commented out code uncommented)
package com.transferwise.swiftprocessor.mapper.event;
import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;
value = "org.mapstruct.ap.MappingProcessor",
date = "2024-01-17T22:12:48+0000",
comments = "version: 1.5.3.Final, compiler: IncrementalProcessingEnvironment from gradle-language-java-7.4.2.jar, environment: Java 17.0.9 (Azul Systems, Inc.)"
public class TestMapperImpl implements TestMapper {
public LombokTest fromNonLombok(NonLombokTest test) {
if ( test == null ) {
return null;
LombokTest.LombokTestBuilder lombokTest = LombokTest.builder();
lombokTest.valid( test.isValid() );
lombokTest.isGood( test.isIsGood() ); // Notice isIsGood being used here
public NonLombokTest fromLombok(LombokTest test) {
if ( test == null ) {
return null;
boolean isGood = false;
boolean valid = false;
isGood = test.isGood(); // Notice isGood being used here, since we mapped our source property to be just `good`
valid = test.isValid();
NonLombokTest nonLombokTest = new NonLombokTest( valid, isGood );
return nonLombokTest;
package com.transferwise.swiftprocessor.mapper.event;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.Mapping;
class LombokTest {
private final boolean valid;
private final boolean isGood;
class NonLombokTest {
private final boolean valid;
private final boolean isGood;
NonLombokTest(boolean valid, boolean isGood) {
this.valid = valid;
this.isGood = isGood;
public boolean isValid() {
return valid;
public boolean isGood() {
return isGood;
* Uncommenting this would make the mapping work, as it would use the `isIsGood` function instead of `isGood`. Which is why we're having this
* issue.
* <p>
* `lombokTest.valid( test.isValid() );`
* <p>
* `lombokTest.isGood( test.isIsGood() );`
// public boolean isIsGood() {
// return isGood;
// }
public interface TestMapper {
LombokTest fromNonLombok(NonLombokTest test);
// @Mapping(source = "good", target = "isGood")
NonLombokTest fromLombok(LombokTest test);
package com.transferwise.swiftprocessor.mapper.event;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
class TestMapperTest {
TestMapper mapper = Mappers.getMapper(TestMapper.class);
void mapFromLombokTest() {
LombokTest lombokTest = LombokTest.builder()
NonLombokTest nonLombokTest = mapper.fromLombok(lombokTest);
// Fails! Unless we uncomment `@Mapping(source = "good", target = "isGood")` on `fromLombok`
void mapFromNonLombok() {
NonLombokTest nonLombokTest = new NonLombokTest(true, true);
LombokTest lombokTest = mapper.fromNonLombok(nonLombokTest);
// Fails! Unless we uncomment `isIsGood` from `NonLombokTest`
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