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Last active August 26, 2023 17:18
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R Programming Programming Assignment 3 (Week 4) John Hopkins Data Science Specialization Coursera for the github repo

R Programming Project 3

github repo for rest of specialization: Data Science Coursera

The zip file containing the data can be downloaded here: Assignment 3 Data

Part 1 Plot the 30-day mortality rates for heart attack (outcome.R)

# install.packages("data.table")

# Reading in data
outcome <- data.table::fread('outcome-of-care-measures.csv')
outcome[, (11) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = (11)]
outcome[, lapply(.SD
                 , hist
                 , xlab= "Deaths"
                 , main = "Hospital 30-Day Death (Mortality) Rates from Heart Attack"
                 , col="lightblue")
        , .SDcols = (11)]

Part 2 Finding the best hospital in a state (best.R)

best <- function(state, outcome) {
  # Read outcome data
  out_dt <- data.table::fread('outcome-of-care-measures.csv')
  outcome <- tolower(outcome)
  # Column name is same as variable so changing it 
  chosen_state <- state 

  # Check that state and outcome are valid
  if (!chosen_state %in% unique(out_dt[["State"]])) {
    stop('invalid state')
  if (!outcome %in% c("heart attack", "heart failure", "pneumonia")) {
    stop('invalid outcome')
  # Renaming Columns to be less verbose and lowercase
           , tolower(sapply(colnames(out_dt), gsub, pattern = "^Hospital 30-Day Death \\(Mortality\\) Rates from ", replacement = "" ))
  #Filter by state
  out_dt <- out_dt[state == chosen_state]
  # Columns indices to keep
  col_indices <- grep(paste0("hospital name|state|^",outcome), colnames(out_dt))
  # Filtering out unnessecary data 
  out_dt <- out_dt[, .SD ,.SDcols = col_indices]
  # Find out what class each column is 
  # sapply(out_dt,class)
  out_dt[, outcome] <- out_dt[,  as.numeric(get(outcome))]
  # Removing Missing Values for numerical datatype (outcome column)
  out_dt <- out_dt[complete.cases(out_dt),]
  # Order Column to Top 
  out_dt <- out_dt[order(get(outcome), `hospital name`)]
  return(out_dt[, "hospital name"][1])


Part 3 Ranking hospitals by outcome in a state (rankhospital.R)

rankhospital <- function(state, outcome, num = "best") {
  # Read outcome data
  out_dt <- data.table::fread('outcome-of-care-measures.csv')
  outcome <- tolower(outcome)
  # Column name is same as variable so changing it 
  chosen_state <- state 
  # Check that state and outcome are valid
  if (!chosen_state %in% unique(out_dt[["State"]])) {
    stop('invalid state')
  if (!outcome %in% c("heart attack", "heart failure", "pneumonia")) {
    stop('invalid outcome')
  # Renaming Columns to be less verbose and lowercase
           , tolower(sapply(colnames(out_dt), gsub, pattern = "^Hospital 30-Day Death \\(Mortality\\) Rates from ", replacement = "" ))
  #Filter by state
  out_dt <- out_dt[state == chosen_state]
  # Columns indices to keep
  col_indices <- grep(paste0("hospital name|state|^",outcome), colnames(out_dt))
  # Filtering out unnessecary data 
  out_dt <- out_dt[, .SD ,.SDcols = col_indices]
  # Find out what class each column is 
  # sapply(out_dt,class)
  out_dt[, outcome] <- out_dt[,  as.numeric(get(outcome))]
  # Removing Missing Values for numerical datatype (outcome column)
  out_dt <- out_dt[complete.cases(out_dt),]
  # Order Column to Top 
  out_dt <- out_dt[order(get(outcome), `hospital name`)]
  out_dt <- out_dt[,  .(`hospital name` = `hospital name`, state = state, rate = get(outcome), Rank = .I)]
  if (num == "best"){
    return(out_dt[1,`hospital name`])
  if (num == "worst"){
    return(out_dt[.N,`hospital name`])
  return(out_dt[num,`hospital name`])


Part 4 Ranking hospitals in all states (rankall.R)

rankall <- function(outcome, num = "best") {
  # Read outcome data
  out_dt <- data.table::fread('outcome-of-care-measures.csv')
  outcome <- tolower(outcome)
  if (!outcome %in% c("heart attack", "heart failure", "pneumonia")) {
    stop('invalid outcome')
  # Renaming Columns to be less verbose and lowercase
           , tolower(sapply(colnames(out_dt), gsub, pattern = "^Hospital 30-Day Death \\(Mortality\\) Rates from ", replacement = "" ))
  # Columns indices to keep
  col_indices <- grep(paste0("hospital name|state|^",outcome), colnames(out_dt))
  # Filtering out unnessecary data 
  out_dt <- out_dt[, .SD ,.SDcols = col_indices]
  # Find out what class each column is 
  # sapply(out_dt,class)
  # Change outcome column class
  out_dt[, outcome] <- out_dt[,  as.numeric(get(outcome))]
  if (num == "best"){
    return(out_dt[order(state, get(outcome), `hospital name`)
    , .(hospital = head(`hospital name`, 1))
    , by = state])
  if (num == "worst"){
    return(out_dt[order(get(outcome), `hospital name`)
    , .(hospital = tail(`hospital name`, 1))
    , by = state])
  return(out_dt[order(state, get(outcome), `hospital name`)
                , head(.SD,num)
                , by = state, .SDcols = c("hospital name") ])
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vickkiee commented Jul 7, 2020

Thank you for your solution

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ghost commented Jul 15, 2020

The course isn't for the student's learning ability but for student's cheating ability. This course didn't teach me or explain me to find the solution to solve the assignment; in contrast, it encouraged me to google and copy other's code. I am feeling that I am in the wrong course. I am about to quit. I have no idea why JHU and instructor created irresponsible course like this.

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Yo everyone feels the same way. I didn't like the constant saliva sound of that guy. Very poor course design too.

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BouNaj commented Jul 25, 2020

I share the same feeling. I was frustrated the content does in no way prepare you to do anything of the sort the assignments require.

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I thought I was the only one having this difficulty in writing code and functions. Was feeling bad for choosing this course, we are not properly taught how to write these codes. I have being feeling to quit the course..

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The course isn't for the student's learning ability but for student's cheating ability. This course didn't teach me or explain me to find the solution to solve the assignment; in contrast, it encouraged me to google and copy other's code. I am feeling that I am in the wrong course. I am about to quit. I have no idea why JHU and instructor created irresponsible course like this.

Hey, I am with it. I am doing the same. The course itself does not help you that much for you to understand and do your own coding. I feel very bad.

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shaunkok64 commented Aug 16, 2020

Thank you for your solution.
I am glad that there are so many people feeling the same.
As I don't have any knowledge regarding coding in general and I wanted to take this course to learn something new such as Data Science. This course could be great if designed properly but the course is not that learner friendly, in some cases even people with experience with coding may not able to cope it and this has led me thoughts to quit.
This course are expecting learners to do their own coding without giving guidance to learners. WHY! There are so little guidance given to readers until I had to Google Search for answers. I need to take sometime to study it after I have passed this.

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Utha re ba ba uthle Coursera ko

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Thanks for your Solution

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How do I submit my assignment.

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How do I submit my assignment.
It's a multi choice quiz which you'll solve using the functions provided in this solution.

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Same here. The problem is simple: the course don't give you the tools and knowledge that someone with no experience with code needs to do the Assignments. It looks like assignments are from another course.

100% agree with D-Se:

Coursera lecture: "The drivetrain of a car looks like this"
Swirl: "A car can move hurr durrr"
Assignment: "build a car and test it, or else fail the course"

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anikvh commented Sep 25, 2020

I agree with the comments above, there is a huge gap between the lectures and the assingments. Thank you so much for sharing this!

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love the above comments. so true.

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Arnab-eco commented Oct 8, 2020

I totally agree with the comments. Unfortunately, The instructor thinks that everyone is a master level programmer. His presentations lack the necessary insight. His assignments are way over the mark.
I understand that if someone can complete these assignments, they can learn a lot. But frankly, it's like asking someone to write a novel after teaching them how to read.
The swirl exercises do teach the basics, but is absolutely hopeless as it doesn't even allow us to make the smallest changes to a code.

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benthecoder commented Oct 18, 2020

I'm glad many are learning this specialization even today, I was hoping if anyone can direct me to any discord servers or like reddit groups to talk about the assignments, for discussions and to learn from each other. Thanks! And yea the assignments are crazy hard, but to be fair the coursera courses can't fit everything into their videos, so i believe it's encouraged to find ways to create a solution for yourself with the abundance of resources online.

is this part wrong?
return(dt[order(state, get(outcome),hospital name) , head(.SD, num) , by = state , .SDcols = c("hospital name")])

I can't seem to get the right answers with this part. Anyone has a revision of this part of the code?

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siyangni commented Nov 26, 2020

This course is just designed to make me feel bad. I was in the honor's college while I was a senior, now I am getting my master in sociology.
Throughout my academic career so far I've never Googled anyone else's assignment. And this course makes me do this for every assignment!!!!!! By the way, I have a decent knowledge of programming where I gain from learning Python. I thought this class would be easy for me (after quickly going through the lecture videos), yet from the first assignment I began to scratch my head for an answer.

Guess what? the following courses for this specialization are just no better. At first sight I thought the instructors may have problems with their pedagogy. After going through several courses of JHU's Data Science Specialization, I highly doubt it's not just pedagogy, it is their attitude. There is no way the three instructors who should be incredibly smart people cannot find the embarrassingly obvious large gap between the course material and the assignments/quizzes in every one of their courses. And they rush through every course in this specialization. I paid for those courses though! I really want to file a complaint on Coursera.

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I agree the course it useless. Instead I started learning by reading a time-consuming textbook, called "discovering statistics using R". I even think the material provided by Roger Peng are not all in the same basic level. He doesn't teach basic tools of R, but then he jumps to using multi-core computation on your computer to speed up the calculation! It is just ridiculous

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DanEscasa commented Dec 30, 2020

Thanks for the hard work. I chose not to shorten the unwieldingly long column names, just used switch:

outcome <- switch(outcome,
"heart attack" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Heart.Attack",
"heart failure" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Heart.Failure",
"pneumonia" = "Hospital.30.Day.Death..Mortality..Rates.from.Pneumonia",
if (is.null(outcome)) {
stop(" : invalid outcome")

Isn't there a way to preserve the indentation in a code block?

As to Roger Peng's teaching, I was looking for a functional programming-oriented approach. He still treats it like a procedural language. I should write up something on that in

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Thank you so much for the sharing!! It is sooo helpful! I had zero knowledge about programming before taking this course. I feel frustrated about learning the logics from the course materials. They are so vague and not supported by daily examples. I don't know how they can assume students to know how to finish the assignments... Thank you for guiding me!!

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I have never been so frustrated by anything. I have had to look up every single answer to these assignments.

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Many thanks for sharing!! I also thought I was the only one struggling with the course but I'm "glad" to see is the course itself.
Now I am able to analyze and compare what I was doing. Thanks a lot!

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yeho-bt commented Jun 13, 2021

Hmmmm, I am not alone feeling like this.

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jdpm93 commented Oct 5, 2021

I have the same problem, the gap between the lessons, swirl, and the assigments is horrible and frustrating. some excercises require the use of things never covered in the videos or swirl, I see that many have sent feedback but they are not taking action on this, also the video lessons need to be updated it's 2021 and the videos were recorded in 2015. this is insane. Thank you for sharing.

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truth is, the world is not meant for everyone to be kept alive - it just needs the upper 10% of people that manage this course well. Same is true for jobs in general, stock market, etc etc
get it quickly, or work overtime to compensate for your idiocy, or become social darvinism's fish food.

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i blindly copy code that I find here, fail to reproduce anything, and take drugs. good night. good luck!

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These people should learn how to teach before offering a course. On the other hand, they know very well how to discourage students.

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The essence of taking an online course is to learn skills that can help you in your career or academics. While the courses are stimulating, it makes no sense to bring assignments that discourage rather than encourage learners. Some people like me had never coded before and I spend hours trying to do this thing without success. I wish there was someone who could teach coding from scratch without assuming any prior knowledge.

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Thank you for help. I believe that the course already expects us to look for solutions like this one from mGalarnyk, otherwise it would not make sense to pass on an assignment of this complexity for beginners to do, because many like me would get frustrated and give up the course, as I read in some comments made here. Thank you mGalarnyk

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Doc-OmSa commented Apr 9, 2023

Thanks mGalarnyk. I have a feeling that this course is definitely not for beginners, unlikely for intermediates as well. The assignments are too advanced. I have been struggling to understand functions. I am a beginner having taken the Google Data Analutics course previously. This is too advanced. Would likely leave. Just wanted to ask if there are better courses more suitable for someone who is a beginner and going to intermediate level? An other platform?

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