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Christophe De Troyer m1dnight

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ruanbekker /
Last active September 11, 2024 18:57
Docker Container Logging using Promtail
Brainiarc7 /
Last active September 2, 2024 13:53
How to set up a transient cluster using GNU parallel and SSHFS for distributed jobs (such as FFmpeg media encodes)

Transient compute clustering with GNU Parallel and sshfs:

GNU Parallel is a multipurpose program for running shell commands in parallel, which can often be used to replace shell script loops,find -exec, and find | xargs. It provides the --sshlogin and --sshloginfile options to farm out jobs to multiple hosts, as well as options for sending and retrieving static resources and and per-job input and output files.

For any particular task, however, keeping track of which files need to pushed to and retrieved from the remote hosts is somewhat of a hassle. Furthermore, cancelled or failed runs can leave garbage on the remote hosts, and if input and output files are large, sending them to local disk on the remote hosts is somewhat inefficient.

In a traditional cluster, this problem would be solved by giving all nodes access to a shared filesystem, usually with NFS or something more exotic. However, NFS doesn't wo

ali1234 /
Created October 17, 2015 15:47
Control Sphero BB-8 from Linux.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# BB-8 Python driver by Alistair Buxton <>
from bluepy import btle
import time
class BB8(btle.DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self, deviceAddress):
cabal95 /
Created July 25, 2015 17:53
I use this script to backup my QEMU/KVM/libVirt virtual machines. The script requires KVM 2.1+ since it uses the live blockcommit mode. This means the data in the snapshot disk is rolled back into the original instead of the other way around. Script does NOT handle spaces in paths.
if [ -z "$BACKUPDEST" -o -z "$DOMAIN" ]; then
echo "Usage: ./vm-backup <backup-folder> <domain> [max-backups]"
exit 1
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
%wrapper "monad"
$whitespace = [\ \b\t\n\f\v\r]