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Last active August 19, 2024 11:48
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# - a vncresolver client bot for Bluesky
use lib ".";
use MyLib::ATProto qw(post_media);
use JSON::Parse qw(:all);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use DateTime;
use utf8;
my $url ="";
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $content = $ua->get($url."random"); or die;
my $js = JSON::Parse->new();
my $json = $js->parse($content->{_content}) or die;
my ($outbuf,$id,$ip,$port,$hostname,$asn,$createdat,$clientname,$country,
$city,$state) = (undef,$json->{id},$json->{ip},$json->{port},
my $date = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>substr($createdat,0,-5));
my $shot = $ua->get($url."screenshot/".$id) or die;
open(my $FH,">","tmpbuf.jpg");
binmode $FH;
print $FH $shot->{_content};
close $FH;
($id) ? $outbuf .= "ID: ".$id."\n" : undef;
($ip) ? $outbuf .= "IP: ".$ip.":".$port."\n" : undef;
($hostname) ? $outbuf .= "Hostname: ".$hostname."\n" : undef;
($asn) ? $outbuf .= "ASN: ".$asn."\n" : undef;
($country) ? $outbuf .= "Country: ".$country."\n" : undef;
($city) ? $outbuf .= "City: ".$city."\n" : undef;
($state) ? $outbuf .= "State: ".$state."\n" : undef;
($clientname) ? $outbuf .= "Client: ".$clientname."\n" : undef;
if (length $outbuf <= 280) {
($date) ? $outbuf .= "Added: ".$date."\n" : undef;
if (length $outbuf <= 280) {
$outbuf .= "".$id;
post_media({ account => "vnc", text => $outbuf, alt => $outbuf, fn => "tmpbuf.jpg" });
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