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Created September 21, 2024 02:12
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shodan safari bot for bluesky & mastodon
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use lib ".";
use Storable;
use Config::File qw(read_config_file);
use MyLib::ATProto qw(post_media);
use Mastodon::Client;
my $wd = "/home/morb/shodan_safari/";
my $exe = "shodan";
my $file = "shodan-latest.json.gz";
my $track = "hosts.track";
my $imgdir = $wd . substr( $file, 0, -8 ) . "-images";
my $cfg = read_config_file("config.cfg");
my ( @previous, $msg );
my $mt = Mastodon::Client->new(
instance => $cfg->{masto}{instance},
client_id => $cfg->{masto}{ckey},
client_secret => $cfg->{masto}{csec},
access_token => $cfg->{masto}{at},
coerce_entities => 0
@previous = @{retrieve( $wd . $track )};
my $fields = "ip_str,port,hostnames,,\
my @hosts = `$exe parse $file --fields '$fields' --separator '_-_-' --no-color`;
chomp @hosts;
my ( $ip, $port, $hostname, $city, $country, $asn, $isp, $timestamp, $id ) =
split( /_-_-/, $hosts[ int( rand( scalar @hosts ) ) ] );
if ( grep( /$ip-$port/, @previous ) ) { goto START; }
($timestamp) ? $timestamp = substr( $timestamp, 0, -10 ) : undef;
($id) ? $msg .= "ID: $id\n" : undef;
( $ip && $port ) ? $msg .= "IP: $ip:$port\n" : undef;
($hostname) ? $msg .= "Hostname: $hostname\n" : undef;
($asn) ? $msg .= "ASN: $asn\n" : undef;
($isp) ? $msg .= "ISP: $isp\n" : undef;
( $city && $country ) ? $msg .= "Location: $city, $country\n" : undef;
($timestamp) ? $msg .= "Added: $timestamp\n" : undef;
$msg .= "\n#shodansafari\n";
if ( -f $imgdir . "/$ip-$port\.jpg" ) {
{account => "safari", text => $msg, fn => $imgdir . "/$ip-$port\.jpg"} );
eval {
my $mm = $mt->upload_media( $imgdir . "/$ip-$port\.jpg" );
$mt->post_status( $msg, {media_ids => [ $mm->{'id'} ]} );
push( @previous, $ip . "-" . $port );
store( \@previous, $wd . $track );
sub _setup {
unless ( -f $wd . $track ) { store( \@previous, $wd . $track ); }
unless ( -f $wd . $file ) { die "No json bundle. Full stop.\n"; }
unless ( -d $imgdir ) { `$exe convert $file images`; }
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