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Last active September 3, 2024 14:59
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const Asena = require('../Utilis/events')
const { ePhotoDownload, getBuffer } = require('../Utilis/download')
const { MessageType } = require('@adiwajshing/baileys')
//You can copy and make more plugin
//change #effect_url and #command_name only
//also check inout type (#one or #two)
// use links from HERE
Asena.addCommand({ pattern: 'ephoto ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Ephoto list", }, async (message, match) => {
return await message.sendMessage('```' + 'sed\nsteel' + '```')
//Example for text effect with one input
Asena.addCommand({ pattern: 'sed ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Sad text effect", dontAddCommandList: true }, async (message, match) => {
if (match == '') return await message.sendMessage("Give me text")
const effect_url = ""
const {status, url} = await ePhotoDownload(effect_url, match)
const { buffer } = await getBuffer(url)
if (buffer !== false) return await message.sendMessage(buffer, {}, MessageType.image)
//Example for text effect with two input
Asena.addCommand({ pattern: 'steel ?(.*)', fromMe: true, desc: "Steel text effect", dontAddCommandList: true }, async (message, match) => {
if (match == '') return await message.sendMessage("Give me text\nExample .steel steel;effect")
const [text1, text2] = match.split(';')
if (!text1 || !text2) return await message.sendMessage("Give me text\nExample .steel steel;effect")
const effect_url = ""
const {status, url} = await ePhotoDownload(effect_url, match)
const { buffer } = await getBuffer(url)
if (buffer !== false) return await message.sendMessage(buffer, {}, MessageType.image)
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