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Last active February 11, 2020 06:13
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from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import scipy
import math
import numpy
import sys
# import matplotlib.plot as plt
C = []
S = []
# 生成求解 C1~C4 系列原子的平面坐标的方程组
def composeEqs(circleCenter, A = 1, _lambda = 10):
keyLength = 0.075186
def eqs(i):
x, y = i[0], i[1]
return [
A * scipy.sin(2 * math.pi * x / _lambda) - y,
(x - circleCenter[0])**2 + (y - circleCenter[1])**2 - keyLength
return eqs;
def computePositions(atomCount, A, _lambda):
loop = atomCount;
currentLoop = 0;
atoms = [[0,0]];
while currentLoop < loop:
atoms.append(fsolve(composeEqs(atoms[currentLoop], A, _lambda), [atoms[currentLoop][0] + 1, atoms[currentLoop][1]]).tolist())
currentLoop = currentLoop + 1
return atoms;
def transformPositions(atoms, groupIndex = 1, y = 0.1583):
result = []
for atom in atoms:
result.append([atom[0], y * (groupIndex - 1), atom[1]])
return result;
def makeGroups(atoms):
groupA = []
groupB = []
for index in range(len(atoms)):
if index % 2 == 0:
group1 = transformPositions(groupB, groupIndex = 1)
group2 = transformPositions(groupA, groupIndex = 2)
group3 = transformPositions(groupB, groupIndex = 3)
group4 = transformPositions(groupA, groupIndex = 4)
return [group1, group2, group3, group4]
def getCornorAtoms(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups):
sIndex1 = sAtomIndexs[0]
sIndex2 = sAtomIndexs[1]
result = []
result.append(cAtomGroups[sIndex1 - 1][sIndex2 if sIndex1 % 2 != 0 else sIndex2 + 1])
result.append(cAtomGroups[sIndex1 + 1][sIndex2 if sIndex1 % 2 != 0 else sIndex2 + 1])
return result;
def composeEqs2(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups):
cornerCAtoms = getCornorAtoms(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups)
keyLength = 0.05827396
def eqs(i):
x, y, z = i[0], i[1], i[2]
return [
(x - cornerCAtoms[0][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[0][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[0][2])**2 - keyLength,
(x - cornerCAtoms[1][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[1][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[1][2])**2 - keyLength,
(x - cornerCAtoms[2][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[2][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[2][2])**2 - keyLength,
return eqs;
def computeSAtomPostion(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups, A):
cornerCAtoms = getCornorAtoms(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups)
r1 = fsolve(
composeEqs2(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups),
[cornerCAtoms[0][0] + 10 * A, cornerCAtoms[0][1], cornerCAtoms[0][2] + 10 * A]
r2 = fsolve(
composeEqs2(sAtomIndexs, cAtomGroups),
[cornerCAtoms[0][0] - 10 * A, cornerCAtoms[0][1], cornerCAtoms[0][2] - 10 * A]
return [r1, r2]
def computeSAtomPostions(cAtomGroups, A):
subLoop = len(cAtomGroups[0]);
result = [[], []];
for i in [2, 3]:
for j in range(subLoop):
result[i - 2].append(computeSAtomPostion([i - 1, j], cAtomGroups, A))
return result
def doubleCheck(sAtom, cornerCAtoms):
x = sAtom[0]
y = sAtom[1]
z = sAtom[2]
r1 = (x - cornerCAtoms[0][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[0][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[0][2])**2 - 0.05827396
r2 = (x - cornerCAtoms[1][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[1][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[1][2])**2 - 0.05827396
r3 = (x - cornerCAtoms[2][0])**2 + (y - cornerCAtoms[2][1])**2 + (z - cornerCAtoms[2][2])**2 - 0.05827396
return [r1, r2, r3]
# atomCount 希望计算出的原子坐标的个数,必填
# A 正弦曲线方程中的系数 A,默认为 1。
# _lambda 正弦曲线方程中的系数 lambda,默认为 10。
# toFile 是否将计算结果或过程写入文本文件,默认为是。
# debug 是否开启 debug 模式,默认为否。开启后,会输出指定索引的 S 原子的坐标的
# 计算过程和验算结果。
# exampleSIndexs 指定一个 S 原子的索引,用于输出计算过程,仅在 debug 模式下有效,默认
# 为 [2, 3]。 索引值从 1 开始,以 human-readable 的方式指定。
def runPipeline(atomCount, A = 1, _lambda = 10, toFile = True, debug = False, exampleSIndexs = [2, 3]):
aFile = 0
originalOut = 0
if toFile:
aFile = open('result.txt', 'w+')
originalOut = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = aFile
cAtomGroups = makeGroups(computePositions(atomCount * 2, A, _lambda))
if not debug:
print("四组 C 原子坐标为:")
for group in cAtomGroups:
print(group, '\n')
print('-' * 20, '\n')
r = computeSAtomPostions(cAtomGroups, A)
print("两组 S 原子的坐标分别为:")
for aR in r:
print(aR, '\n')
print("以 S[" + str(exampleSIndexs[0]) + "][" + str(exampleSIndexs[1]) + "] 原子为例,求其坐标。")
cornerCAtoms = getCornorAtoms(
[exampleSIndexs[0] - 1, exampleSIndexs[1] - 1],
print("相连三个 C 原子坐标为:")
r = fsolve(
composeEqs2([exampleSIndexs[0] - 1, exampleSIndexs[1] - 1], cAtomGroups),
[cornerCAtoms[0][0] + 10 * A, cornerCAtoms[0][1], cornerCAtoms[0][2] + 10 * A]
print("解 1:")
print("验算:", doubleCheck(r, cornerCAtoms))
r = fsolve(
composeEqs2([exampleSIndexs[0] - 1, exampleSIndexs[1] - 1], cAtomGroups),
[cornerCAtoms[0][0] - 10 * A, cornerCAtoms[0][1], cornerCAtoms[0][2] - 10 * A]
print("解 2:")
print("验算:", doubleCheck(r, cornerCAtoms))
if toFile:
sys.stdout = originalOut
if __name__ == "__main__":
runPipeline(10, toFile = True, debug = False)
runPipeline(10, toFile = False, debug = True, exampleSIndexs = [2, 3])
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