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Created October 27, 2023 15:18
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from abc import ABC
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Union, get_args, get_origin
from uuid import UUID
nt = type(None)
def is_optional(t):
args = get_args(t)
return get_origin(t) is Union and len(args) > 1 and args[1] is nt
def parser(t, value):
while is_optional(t):
t = get_args(t)[0]
if value is None:
return value
if get_origin(t) is dict:
key_t, val_t = get_args(t)
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise TypeError(f"value type is not dict instead of {type(value)}")
return {
parser(key_t, key_v): parser(val_t, val_v) for key_v, val_v in value.items()
if get_origin(t) is list:
t = get_args(t)[0]
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(f"value type is not list instead of {type(value)}")
return [parser(t, val) for val in value]
if issubclass(t, datetime):
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value))
if issubclass(t, _Common):
return t.from_json_dict(value)
if issubclass(t, Enum):
return t(value)
if issubclass(t, UUID):
return UUID(value)
return value
def encoder(t, value):
while is_optional(t):
t = get_args(t)[0]
if value is None:
return value
if get_origin(t) is dict:
key_t, val_t = get_args(t)
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise TypeError(f"value type is not dict instead of {type(value)}")
return {
encoder(key_t, key_v): encoder(val_t, val_v)
for key_v, val_v in value.items()
if get_origin(t) is list:
t = get_args(t)[0]
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(f"value type is not list instead of {type(value)}")
return [encoder(t, val) for val in value]
if issubclass(t, datetime):
return int(value.timestamp())
if issubclass(t, _Common):
return value.to_json_dict()
if issubclass(t, Enum):
return value.value
if issubclass(t, UUID):
return str(value)
return value
class _Common(ABC):
def from_json_dict(cls, obj):
obj = deepcopy(obj)
for field in fields(cls):
if value := obj.get(
obj[] = parser(field.type, value)
return cls(**obj)
def to_json_dict(self):
# Why not `asdict`? It will automatically
# convert sub fields into dict, which
# cause no match in below code
obj = deepcopy(self.__dict__)
for field in fields(self):
if value := obj.get(
obj[] = encoder(field.type, value)
return obj
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