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Created July 31, 2015 18:31
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Moving window for a nested python list
# Test fixture for lineStrings
lineStrings = [(i, "obj{0}".format(i),) for i in range(1011)]
stepSize = 200
nSteps = len(lineStrings)/stepSize
print "there are {0} objs in lineStrings".format(len(lineStrings))
steps = range(0, nSteps+1)
for stepI in steps:
# Get the first object in the window
firstObj_i = stepSize*stepI
firstObj = lineStrings[firstObj_i]
# Get the next object
nextObj_i = stepSize*(steps[stepI+1])-1
nextObj = lineStrings[nextObj_i]
except IndexError:
nextObj = lineStrings[-1]
print "firstObj: {0}\t\tnextObj: {1}".format(firstObj, nextObj)
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