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Last active November 18, 2016 04:05
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// authentication
// client/account specific info
// urls
// data format transformations; flattening etc
// declarative data transform
// - flatten
// - rename
// - convert
// - renaming
// - blacklist/whitelist
typealias JSON = Dictionary<String, String>
struct Transform {
enum Result {
case success(JSON)
case failure(String)
let convert: (JSON) -> Result
static func rename(from: String, to: String) -> Transform {
return Transform { _ in
return .failure("Oops")
let transforms: [Transform] = [
.rename(from: "derp", to: "herp"),
.rename(from: "YES", to: "NO")
extension Pipeline {
typealias Config = Dictionary<String, Any>
typealias Factory<C> = (Config) -> ((C, JSON) -> TransformResult)?
typealias Registry = Dictionary<String, Factory>
private static func defaultRegistry() -> [String: Factory<C>] {
return [
"rename": { config in
guard let from = config["from"] as? String,
to = config["to"] as? String
else { return nil }
let needed = config["needed"] ?? true
return .rename(from: from, to: to, needed: needed)
// This is just a sneaky way to capture types for the closure
static func factory(fromBlock: Factory<C>) -> Factory<C> {
return fromBlock
static func hydrate(json: [Config], withRegistry: Registry? = nil) -> Pipeline<C>? {
let registry = withRegistry ?? defaultRegistry
let transforms = { config in
guard let name = config["name"] else { return nil }
guard let factory = registry[name] else { return nil }
return factory(config)
return nil
Pipeline.hydrate(json: )
enum TransformFailure {
case fieldMissing(field: String, message: String?)
case unexpectedType(field: String, expected: String, found: String, message: String?)
case other(field: String, message: String?, error: ErrorType?)
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