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Last active July 21, 2022 03:21
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Rollup plugins to emit chunks and CSS assets from an HTML file and add an updated HTML file to the build, and to emit assets from a JS file.
export const rollupLogo = "./logo.svg";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
<title>Plugin demo</title>
<script src="index.js" type="module"></script>
import { rollupLogo } from "./assets.js";
const image = document.createElement("img");
image.src = rollupLogo;
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"build": "rollup -c"
"dependencies": {
"libxmljs2": "^0.25.1",
"rollup": "^2.6.0"
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import libXml from "libxmljs2";
// This plugin takes the path of an HTML file, scans for script tags and emits
// those as chunks. Then it scans for stylesheets and emits those as assets. At
// last, it creates a rewritten HTML file with the paths to the new chunks and
// assets (by default containing content-hashed file names) and adds it to the
// bundle as well.
export default function buildFromHtml(htmlFile) {
const fileName = path.resolve(htmlFile);
const doc = libXml.parseHtml(fs.readFileSync(fileName, "utf8"));
const scriptFileReferences = new Map();
const styleFileReferences = new Map();
return {
name: "generate-html",
buildStart() {
for (const tag of doc.find("//script")) {
type: "chunk",
id: tag.attr("src").value(),
for (const tag of doc.find("//link[@rel='stylesheet']")) {
type: "asset",
name: path.basename(tag.attr("href").value()),
source: fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(path.dirname(fileName), tag.attr("href").value())
generateBundle() {
for (const [tag, referenceId] of scriptFileReferences) {
tag.attr("src", this.getFileName(referenceId));
for (const [tag, referenceId] of styleFileReferences) {
tag.attr("href", this.getFileName(referenceId));
type: "asset",
source: doc.toString(false),
fileName: "index.html",
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import { rollup } from "rollup";
// This plugin takes the path of a JavaScript file that exports some constants
// which are interpreted as relative paths to assets. These files are added to
// the Rollup bundle and the file is rewritten to point to the new assets (by
// default with content-hashed file names).
export default function emitAssetsFromFile(assetsFile) {
const fileName = path.resolve(assetsFile);
let assetFileFound = false;
return {
name: "emit-assets",
async load(id) {
if (id === fileName) {
assetFileFound = true;
// This will only run if you are using Node 13+ and either the fileName
// has an .mjs extension or you have "type": "module" in your
// package.json. Otherwise replace import with getExportsFromFile
// below.
// const assets = await getExportsFromFile(fileName);
const assets = await import(fileName);
return Object.keys(assets)
.map((assetKey) => {
const assetFileName = path.resolve(assets[assetKey]);
return `export const ${assetKey} = import.meta.ROLLUP_FILE_URL_${this.emitFile(
type: "asset",
source: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(assetFileName)),
name: path.basename(assetFileName),
buildEnd() {
if (assetFileFound === false) {
throw new Error(
`Expected assets file "${fileName}" was not part of the module graph.`
// Helper to convert an ESM file to CJS, turn it into a function and run it to
// get its exports.
async function getExportsFromFile(fileName) {
const getAssets = new Function(
await (await rollup({ input: fileName })).generate({ format: "cjs" })
const module = { exports: {} };
getAssets(module, module.exports);
return module.exports;
import buildFromHtml from "./rollup-plugin-build-from-html.js";
import emitAssetsFromFile from "./rollup-plugin-emit-assets-from-file.js";
// See how we do not need an `input` option here at all!
// All chunks are created from the HTML file.
export default {
output: {
dir: "dist",
format: "esm",
plugins: [buildFromHtml("index.html"), emitAssetsFromFile("assets.js")],
body {
color: blue;
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