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Created January 23, 2019 11:53
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do {
let libobjc = dlopen("/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib", RTLD_LAZY)!
let _objc_getClass = FFIFunctionInvocation(symbol: "objc_getClass", handle: libobjc, returnType: .pointer, parameterTypes: [.pointer])
var text = "NSProcessInfo".utf8CString
var arg: UnsafePointer<CChar>!
text.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
arg = ptr.baseAddress!
_objc_getClass.setArgument(&arg, atIndex: 0)
var ptr: Int = _objc_getClass.invoke()
print("ptr", ptr)
let _class_getName = FFIFunctionInvocation(symbol: "class_getName", handle: libobjc, returnType: .pointer, parameterTypes: [.pointer])
_class_getName.setArgument(&ptr, atIndex: 0)
let _classname: UnsafePointer<CChar> = _class_getName.invoke()
print("name", _classname)
let libobjc = dlopen("/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib", RTLD_LAZY)!
let _objc_getClass = FFIFunction(
symbol: "objc_getClass",
handle: libobjc,
returnType: .pointer,
parameterTypes: [.pointer]
var _NSProcessInfo: Int!
do {
var _NSProcessInfo_classname = "NSProcessInfo".utf8CString
var arg0: UnsafePointer<CChar>!
_NSProcessInfo_classname.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
arg0 = ptr.baseAddress!
_objc_getClass.setArgument(&arg0, atIndex: 0)
_NSProcessInfo = _objc_getClass.invoke() as Int
let _sel_getUid = FFIFunction(
symbol: "sel_getUid",
handle: libobjc,
returnType: .pointer,
parameterTypes: [.pointer],
isVariadic: false
func get_sel(_ name: String) -> Int {
var bytes = name.utf8CString
var arg0: UnsafePointer<CChar>!
bytes.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
arg0 = ptr.baseAddress!
_sel_getUid.setArgument(&arg0, atIndex: 0)
return _sel_getUid.invoke() as Int
let msgSend_id = FFIFunction(
symbol: "objc_msgSend",
handle: libobjc,
returnType: .pointer,
parameterTypes: [.pointer, .pointer],
isVariadic: true
func msgSend<T>(target: inout Int, sel sel_name: String, args: inout [Int]) -> T {
var sel = get_sel(sel_name)
msgSend_id.setArgument(&target, atIndex: 0)
msgSend_id.setArgument(&sel, atIndex: 1)
for (index, var arg) in args.enumerated() {
msgSend_id.setArgument(&arg, atIndex: index + 2)
return msgSend_id.invoke()
var args: [Int] = []
var processInfo: Int = msgSend(target: &_NSProcessInfo, sel: "processInfo", args: &args)
var processName_ptr: Int = msgSend(target: &processInfo, sel: "processName", args: &args)
let processName = unsafeBitCast(processName_ptr, to: NSString.self)
let fn = FFIFunction(
symbol: "strlen",
handle: nil,
returnType: FFIType.int64,
parameterTypes: [.pointer],
isVariadic: false
let foo = "Hello World".utf8CString
var arg0: UnsafePointer<CChar>!
foo.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
arg0 = ptr.baseAddress
fn.setArgument(&arg0, atIndex: 0)
let length: size_t = fn.invoke()
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