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Created June 14, 2019 11:53
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<h1 class="text-xl mb-4">Example app for the Color picker component</h1>
<div class="p-4 border">
<div id="colorpicker" data-color="#e25712"></div>
import "phoenix_html";
import "../css/app.css";
import { Elm } from "../elm/Colorpicker.elm";
window.addEventListener("load", ev => {
let colorpicker = document.querySelector("#colorpicker");
if (colorpicker) {
node: colorpicker,
flags: {
color: colorpicker.getAttribute('data-color')
module Colorpicker exposing (main)
-- The Browser module has the definition we need to run an Elm application in the
-- Elm architecture.
-- Html is the module that defines the functions `div`, `span`, `button`, etc.
-- Html.Attributes exposes functions for element attributes such as `class` and `id`.
-- Html.Events exposes functions for binding elements such as `onClick` and `onInput`.
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
{-| We call `Browser.element` with a record passing our definitions of the functions.
The Elm runtime is responsible for calling each of those functions in the
appropriate moment.
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
{-| Subscriptions are used to listen for external events, such as websockets
and mouse drag events. We're not using in this component, so we can just
return `Sub.none`.
subscriptions model =
{-| Constant of possible colors users can choose from.
colors : List String
colors =
[ "#4286f4", "#41f441", "#dfe212", "#e25712", "#e21212" ]
{-| Our model definition, described earlier.
type alias Model =
{ selectedColor : String
{-| Initialization argument passed in `Elm.Colorpicker.init`.
type alias Flags =
{ color : String
{-| The init function is called on load. We're not receiving any arguments (called flags)
right now, but we'll need them in a second.
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( { selectedColor = flags.color }, Cmd.none )
{-| List of actions users can perform in this component
type Msg
= ColorSelected String
| SelectionCleared
{-| The `update` function changes the model based on the received `Msg`. To be strict about
terms, nothing is being mutated, we're just returning a changed version of the model.
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ColorSelected hash ->
( { model | selectedColor = hash }, Cmd.none )
SelectionCleared ->
( { model | selectedColor = "" }, Cmd.none )
{-| The `view` function receives the model and produces HTML. The Elm runtime is responsible
for all dom diffing and optimizations.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [ id "colorpicker" ]
[ span []
[ label [ class "font-bold" ] [ text "Choose a color" ]
, viewClearSelection model
, div [ class "flex items-center" ] ( (\hex -> viewColor (model.selectedColor == hex) hex) colors)
, input [ type_ "hidden", name "color", value model.selectedColor ] []
viewClearSelection : Model -> Html Msg
viewClearSelection { selectedColor } =
if selectedColor == "" then
text ""
span [ onClick SelectionCleared, class "text-sm ml-1 italic cursor-pointer" ] [ text "— Clear selection" ]
viewColor : Bool -> String -> Html Msg
viewColor isSelected hex =
className =
if isSelected then
"w-8 h-8 m-1 rounded shadow"
"w-6 h-6 m-1 rounded"
[ onClick (ColorSelected hex)
, class className
, style "background" hex
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