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Last active July 31, 2024 09:23
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Enhancements and Desired Features for Directus

Enhancements and Desired Features for Directus: Contributing to the Platform's Future

Directus is an open-source content management system that offers exceptional flexibility in creating custom content interfaces. The community surrounding Directus plays a vital role in its evolution and continuous improvement. One of the most effective ways to influence the development of this platform is through requesting new features or improvements.

Through GitHub, the Directus team values the contributions and suggestions from the community. This article aims to compile a list of features and enhancements that could further drive the utility and versatility of Directus.

🚀 Your Voice Matters! Join and Support these Key Enhancements for Directus 🌟


  1. Fetch Data from External API

    • Allow users to configure Directus to connect with external APIs seamlessly. Provide an intuitive interface for setting up API endpoints, authentication, and parameters. Choose the storage option (reference value ex ID or the value ex Name). Enable users to map and transform data retrieved from external APIs to align with Directus database structures.
    • Link to the GitHub request: Fetch Data from External API
    • Related threads: 1, 2, 3
  2. Permissions in Versioning mode

    • Choose who can promote a version. Having the ability to select who can create a draft version of content or promote it base on the right permissions would improve the management of some scenario where you don't want everybody publishing of affecting your content before its approval. This is a great featured for the content you need to review before affecting the content already published.
    • Link to the GitHub request: Proposed Content Versioning Enhancement for Directus
  3. Filters and Columns usability

  4. Default language selected in translations

    • In the translations of the field name, when you click on create translation, the default language selected should appear in the language dropdown.
    • Link to the GitHub request: Default language selected in translations

For tracking purposes

  1. Flows
  2. Fields
  3. Development
  4. UI/UX
  5. Managment

Share Your Ideas!

The Directus community is pivotal in the platform's evolution. If you have any feature or enhancement in mind that you believe would be beneficial for Directus, feel free to share it in the comments! Make sure to include the GitHub link if there's an existing request or start a new one to discuss and garner support for the idea.

Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of Directus! Join the conversation and support these enhancements with your votes and comments on the provided links above. Together, we can make Directus even more powerful and useful for everyone.

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