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sundowndev /
Last active September 24, 2024 16:24
Google dork cheatsheet

Google dork cheatsheet

Search filters

Filter Description Example
allintext Searches for occurrences of all the keywords given. allintext:"keyword"
intext Searches for the occurrences of keywords all at once or one at a time. intext:"keyword"
inurl Searches for a URL matching one of the keywords. inurl:"keyword"
allinurl Searches for a URL matching all the keywords in the query. allinurl:"keyword"
intitle Searches for occurrences of keywords in title all or one. intitle:"keyword"
henriquemenezes /
Last active September 12, 2024 13:24
Android: Generate Release/Debug Keystores

Android: Generate Release/Debug Keystores

Generate Keystores

Debug Keystore

$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -dname "C=US, O=Android, CN=Android Debug"
jacurtis /
Last active April 5, 2023 14:42
Most Useful Regex's

Useful Regular Expressions

These are the most useful Regular Expressions that I find myself using on a regular basis


Test to see if a string is a valid website address or not.

All URLs