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Last active August 20, 2024 05:17
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Full client and server example

Full client and server example

Last updated: 2021-02-21, tested with v3.1.1

This is the simplest implementation you will find for a client/server WebSockets architecture using

To see a full explanation, read my answer on SO here:

If you're looking for examples using frameworks, check these links:

How to run

Create a folder, run npm init -f on it and paste both server.js and client.js there (see files below). Needless to say, you must have Node.js installed on your system.

Install the required libraries:

npm install
npm install

Run the server:

node server

Open other terminal windows and spawn as many clients as you want by running:

node client
io = require(""),
ioClient = io.connect("http://localhost:8000");
ioClient.on("seq-num", (msg) =>;
{Server} = require(""),
server = new Server(8000);
sequenceNumberByClient = new Map();
// event fired every time a new client connects:
server.on("connection", (socket) => {`Client connected [id=${}]`);
// initialize this client's sequence number
sequenceNumberByClient.set(socket, 1);
// when socket disconnects, remove it from the list:
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
sequenceNumberByClient.delete(socket);`Client gone [id=${}]`);
// sends each client its current sequence number
setInterval(() => {
for (const [client, sequenceNumber] of sequenceNumberByClient.entries()) {
client.emit("seq-num", sequenceNumber);
sequenceNumberByClient.set(client, sequenceNumber + 1);
}, 1000);
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terezanov commented Jul 24, 2018

looks great! 👍

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very good and concise example ! many thanks

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ptsneves commented Nov 4, 2018

From a complete nodejs noob point of view I was able to download the nodejs docker run your commands and have a test running including with the electron app. I was completely unsuccessful with many other attempts
Thanks a lot Lucio

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Hi, friend! Thanks for you job. Help please, how I can change local host on custom IP on server.js code. Thanks!

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Hi, friend! Thanks for you job. Help please, how I can change local host on custom IP on server.js code. Thanks!

Do you want to listen on a specific network interface? I believe listen() is listening on all interfaces, since the documentation doesn't offer a way for us to specify an IP address. Have you tried connecting to it via your other interface?

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skibinalexander commented Oct 16, 2019

I use this practice:

var app = require('express')();
var http = require('http').createServer(app);
var io = require('')(http);

app.get('/', function(req, res){
    res.send('Hello World!');

io.on('connection', function(socket){
  socket.on('chat message', function(msg){
    console.log('message: ' + msg);

http.listen(3086, '1****', function(){
  console.log('listening on *:3086');

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skibinalexander commented Oct 16, 2019

And in your code , i need use address

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(Edited your comment above for proper syntax highlighting)

I see, so you're using Express. Check docs, they have an example on how to make it work with Express:

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@skibinalexander I forgot that I have an example using Express as well, so that may help you:

Matter of fact, I also happen to have one for Restify:

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atmimran commented Feb 8, 2020

Is it work in with PhoneGap?

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NervenCid commented Feb 10, 2020

Hello i find you tread on internet:

I looking for use a websocket from the controller but i can't access io object from the controller:

Her is my code:


//Importamos la app
const app = require('./app');

const socketIO = require('');

//Con el modulo 'dotenv' importamos las variables de entorno
//contenidas dentro del archivo '.env'
//Se recomienda correr este proyecto con permisos de administrador

//Importamos la conexion a la base de datos dentro de 'database.js'

//Esta funcion ejecuta el servidor
async function main(){

    //Obtenemos el puerto
    const PORT = app.get('port');  

    //Escuchamos el servidor en puerto y con '' podemos acceder publicamente
    server = await app.listen(PORT, '');

    const io=socketIO.listen(server);

    //console.log('io index: ', io)

    io.on('connection', function(){
        console.log('Socket Conectado');
        io.emit('Prueba', 'Hola soy el servidor'.toString());
    //Mostramos por consola
    console.log('Servidor ejecutandose en el puerto: ', PORT);

> };


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Is it work in with PhoneGap?

Not sure, never had any experience with PhoneGap. Please let us know if you find out!

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@NervenCid I suggest you try to reproduce the issue with a smaller script first. There's too much unrelated logic in the code you pasted and it's difficult to spot what may be wrong.

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@luciopaiva Done, comment updated

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Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me. I get this error:

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I have just updated the example to work with the latest version (3.1.1). For those still having problems, give it a try now. I also changed the npm command to make sure future versions won't break this example.

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Amine27 commented Apr 16, 2021

Thanks for the gist.
You can also use room concept of, instead of a global variables, to store users.

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Thanks for the gist.
You can also use room concept of, instead of a global variables, to store users.

If one is only keeping track of users, using rooms seems like a nice suggestion indeed.

In the example above, however, I also keep a state for each user (their current sequence number). I did this to illustrate how one would store data for each user.

Regarding your mention of the use of global variables: in my example, the Map variable is only visible within the module. It could also be easily turned into an instance member by encapsulating the login within a class (which I would probably do if the logic got more involved).

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Amine27 commented Apr 16, 2021

I would like to mention that the room is also useful when you have one user connected from multiple devices, in your example, you have to do more tweaks in this situation. Moreover, the room will delete users as soon as they disconnect, so you don't have to track their status.

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Pic2490 commented Feb 26, 2022

Exactly what I needed, you're the man

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