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Last active August 3, 2018 11:53
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Frontend Ranking

Front End Ranking

  • Tell us what was your approach with the project, i.e from the inspiration to the very first steps (sketches, tasks planning, design prototype, code prototype). Don't worry if the process was more "freestyle", if this is the case just describe how you wouly approach to a new project given an appropriate timeline.

  • Tell us about an interesting nontrivial bug/issue you encountered in your code and how you solved it, or if it's not solved yet, try to come up with a set of steps to fix it. It can be something related to external APIs, UI elements interactions, data visualization, build tooling etc..

  • Tell us about the library you used for the data visualizations and why you chose that one instead of others.

Given this list of tasks:

  1. Implement awesome animations that improve UX.

  2. Implement and maintain build tools for JS/CSS/image/fonts/etc to improve DX.
  3. Implement a multi-user system to store data in a DB.

  4. Implement an intelligent caching system that leverage local storage and/or IndexedDB, and/or offline capabilities using Sevice Workers.

  5. Implement a middleware with smarter data APIs across client and server (i.e., GraphQL) that minimize over-fetching.

  6. Implement a new CSS methodology (e.g. BEM, Tachyons, Atomic), a preprocessor (e.g. SCSS, LESS, Stylus), a postprocessor (e.g. PostCS, CSS Modules), or Inline Style Helpers (e.g. Radium), better if "react-friendly". 

  7. Implement front end tests, i.e. unit tests, accessibility tests, regression tests.

  8. Profile the app to identify performance bottlenecks and implement improvements to metrics such as rendering frame rate, time to interactive, image and assets optimizations, etc.

  9. Refactor the codebase to better take advantage of functional concepts, static typing, or other overall improvements to the code, such as consistent formatting and variables naming and dead code elimination.

  10. Enhance the architecture of shared components, modules, and logic patterns.

  11. Ensure accessibility standards and responsive optimizations are implemented across the project.

  12. If you think we missed something important, add your own choice!
  • Choose 3 tasks and order them by what you feel more confident doing and have most experience with.

  • Choose 3 tasks and order them by what you would like to do most. (it can be something you don't have much experience but would like to get more familiar with).

  • Given 2 weeks of time choose 3 tasks and try to finish them.

Of course you don't have to choose 3 different tasks for each assignment, they can occur multiple times ;)
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