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Last active December 3, 2018 16:32
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Require Import Coq.Logic.ProofIrrelevance.
Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Ltac simpl_exist_eq :=
match goal with
| [ |- exist _ ?x _ = exist _ ?y _]
=> let H := fresh "H"
in cut (x = y);
[ intro H;
apply eq_sig with (p:=H);
apply proof_irrelevance
| (* nothing *)
(** * Basic Constructions
** Categories
*** Definition
Class category
{object: Type}
(arrow: object -> object -> Type)
:= { comp {c b a: object}
: arrow b c -> arrow a b -> arrow a c
; id (a: object)
: arrow a a
; comp_assoc_law {d c b a: object}
(h: arrow c d)
(g: arrow b c)
(f: arrow a b)
: comp (comp h g) f = comp h (comp g f)
; id_assoc_1_law {b a: object}
(f: arrow a b)
: comp (id b) f = f
; id_assoc_2_law {b a: object}
(f: arrow a b)
: comp f (id a) = f
Arguments category [object] (arrow).
Arguments comp [object arrow _ c b a] (_ _).
Arguments id [object arrow _] (a).
Arguments comp_assoc_law [object arrow _ d c b a] (h g f).
Arguments id_assoc_1_law [object arrow _ b a] (f).
Arguments id_assoc_2_law [object arrow _ b a] (f).
Notation "f <<< g" := (comp f g) (at level 50).
Notation "g >>> f" := (f <<< g) (at level 50).
(** *** Example: the Set Category *)
Module SET.
Definition func := fun a b => a -> b.
Definition comp
{c b a: Type}
(g: func b c)
(f: func a b)
: func a c :=
fun x => g (f x).
Definition id
(a: Type)
: func a a :=
fun x => x.
Lemma comp_assoc_law
: forall {d c b a: Type}
(h: func c d)
(g: func b c)
(f: func a b),
comp (comp h g) f
= comp h (comp g f).
Lemma id_assoc_1_law
: forall {b a: Type}
(f: func a b),
comp (id b) f = f.
Lemma id_assoc_2_law
: forall {b a: Type}
(f: func a b),
comp f (id a) = f.
Instance set_category
: category func :=
{ comp := @comp
; id := id
; comp_assoc_law := @comp_assoc_law
; id_assoc_1_law := @id_assoc_1_law
; id_assoc_2_law := @id_assoc_2_law
End SET.
(** *** Example: The 0 Category *)
Module O.
Inductive empty := .
Variable arrow : empty -> empty -> Type.
Definition comp
{c b a: empty}
(g: arrow b c)
(f: arrow a b)
: arrow a c.
inversion a.
Definition id
(a: empty)
: arrow a a.
inversion a.
Lemma comp_assoc_law
: forall {d c b a: empty}
(h: arrow c d)
(g: arrow b c)
(f: arrow a b),
comp (comp h g) f
= comp h (comp g f).
inversion a.
Lemma id_assoc_1_law
: forall {b a: empty}
(f: arrow a b),
comp (id b) f = f.
inversion a.
Lemma id_assoc_2_law
: forall {b a: empty}
(f: arrow a b),
comp f (id a) = f.
inversion a.
Instance empty_category
: category arrow :=
{ comp := @comp
; id := id
; comp_assoc_law := @comp_assoc_law
; id_assoc_1_law := @id_assoc_1_law
; id_assoc_2_law := @id_assoc_2_law
End O.
(** *** Example: Mon **)
Class monoid
{a: Type}
(op: a -> a -> a)
(e: a) :=
{ op_assoc (x y z: a)
: op (op x y) z = op x (op y z)
; e_neutral_1_law (x: a)
: op x e = e
; e_neutral_2_law (x: a)
: op e x = e
Section Homomorph.
Variables (a b: Type)
(op_a: a -> a -> a)
(e_a: a)
(op_b: b -> b -> b)
(e_b: b).
Definition homomorphism
`{monoid a op_a e_a}
`{monoid b op_b e_b}
:= { f: a -> b | f e_a = e_b /\ forall (x y: a), f (op_a x y) = op_b (f x) (f y) }.
End Homomorph.
Arguments homomorphism (a b) [op_a e_a op_b e_b _ _].
Module Mon.
Record Monoid :=
{ set: Type
; op: set -> set -> set
; e: set
; monoid_instance :> monoid op e
Definition Homomorphism
(a b: Monoid)
:= homomorphism (H := monoid_instance a)
(H0 := monoid_instance b)
(set a)
(set b).
Program Definition comp
{c b a: Monoid}
(g: Homomorphism b c)
(f: Homomorphism a b)
: Homomorphism a c :=
fun x => g (f x).
Next Obligation.
induction f as [f [Hf_e Hf_op]].
induction g as [g [Hg_e Hg_op]].
cbn in *.
+ now (rewrite Hf_e; rewrite Hg_e).
+ intros x y.
now (rewrite Hf_op; rewrite Hg_op).
Program Definition id
(a: Monoid)
: Homomorphism a a :=
fun x => x.
Lemma comp_assoc_law
: forall {d c b a: Monoid}
(h: Homomorphism c d)
(g: Homomorphism b c)
(f: Homomorphism a b),
comp (comp h g) f
= comp h (comp g f).
intros d c b a [h [Hh_e Hh_op]] [g [Hg_e Hg_op]] [f [Hf_e Hf_op]].
unfold comp in *.
cbn in *.
Lemma id_assoc_1_law
: forall {b a: Monoid}
(f: Homomorphism a b),
comp (id b) f = f.
intros b a [f [Hf_e Hf_op]].
unfold comp, id in *.
cbn in *.
now repeat rewrite id_assoc_1_law.
Lemma id_assoc_2_law
: forall {b a: Monoid}
(f: Homomorphism a b),
comp f (id a) = f.
intros b a [f [Hf_e Hf_op]].
unfold comp, id in *.
cbn in *.
now repeat rewrite id_assoc_2_law.
Instance mon_category
: category Homomorphism :=
{ comp := @comp
; id := id
; comp_assoc_law := @comp_assoc_law
; id_assoc_1_law := @id_assoc_1_law
; id_assoc_2_law := @id_assoc_2_law
End Mon.
(** *** Example: The Cat→ Category *)
Module CatArrow.
Variables (object: Type)
(arrow: object -> object -> Type).
Record cat_arrow_object :=
{ dom: object
; cod: object
; fn: arrow dom cod
Definition cat_arrow_arrow
`{category object arrow}
(f f': cat_arrow_object) :=
{ o | comp (fn f') (fst o) = comp (snd o) (fn f)}.
Program Definition comp
`{category object arrow}
{c b a: cat_arrow_object}
(g: cat_arrow_arrow b c)
(f: cat_arrow_arrow a b)
: cat_arrow_arrow a c :=
(comp (fst g) (fst f), comp (snd g) (snd f)).
Next Obligation.
induction f as [(x,y) Hf]; induction g as [(x',y') Hg].
cbn in *.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc_law (fn c) _ _).
rewrite Hg.
rewrite (comp_assoc_law y' _ _).
rewrite Hf.
rewrite <- (comp_assoc_law y' _ _).
Program Definition id
`{category object arrow}
(a: cat_arrow_object)
: cat_arrow_arrow a a :=
(id (dom a), id (cod a)).
Next Obligation.
rewrite id_assoc_1_law.
rewrite id_assoc_2_law.
Lemma comp_assoc_law
`{category object arrow}
: forall {d c b a: cat_arrow_object}
(h: cat_arrow_arrow c d)
(g: cat_arrow_arrow b c)
(f: cat_arrow_arrow a b),
comp (comp h g) f
= comp h (comp g f).
intros [A B f] [A' B' f'] [A'' B'' f''] [A''' B''' f''']
[(x,y) Hh] [(x',y') Hg] [(x'',y'') Hf].
unfold comp.
cbn in *.
now repeat rewrite comp_assoc_law.
Lemma id_assoc_1_law
`{category object arrow}
: forall {b a: cat_arrow_object}
(f: cat_arrow_arrow a b),
comp (id b) f = f.
intros [A B f] [A' B' f'] [(a,b) G].
unfold comp, id in *.
cbn in *.
now repeat rewrite id_assoc_1_law.
Lemma id_assoc_2_law
`{category object arrow}
: forall {b a: cat_arrow_object}
(f: cat_arrow_arrow a b),
comp f (id a) = f.
intros [A B f] [A' B' f'] [(a,b) G].
unfold comp, id in *.
cbn in *.
now repeat rewrite id_assoc_2_law.
Instance cat_arrow_category
`{H: category object arrow}
: category cat_arrow_arrow :=
{ comp := @comp H
; id := id
; comp_assoc_law := @comp_assoc_law H
; id_assoc_1_law := @id_assoc_1_law H
; id_assoc_2_law := @id_assoc_2_law H
End CatArrow.
Section Morphism.
Variables (object: Type)
(arrow: object -> object -> Type).
Definition monomorphism
`{category object arrow}
{c b: object}
(f: arrow b c)
:= forall {a: object}
(g h: arrow a b),
g >>> f = h >>> f -> g = h.
Definition epimorphism
`{category object arrow}
{c b: object}
(f: arrow b c)
:= forall {a: object}
(g h: arrow c a),
f >>> g = f >>> h -> g = h.
End Morphism.
Arguments monomorphism [object arrow H c b] (f).
Arguments epimorphism [object arrow H c b] (f).
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