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Last active December 13, 2016 14:27
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Genymotion emulators are already rooted and with SU installed
To fix "adb server version (<server-version>) doesn't match this client (<client-version>); killing...":
Change SDK location
To find current SDK location:
System apps reside in:
Read package name of .apk:
aapt dump badging <path-to-apk> | grep package:\ name
Remove system app in rooted device:
adb shell
mount -o rw,remount /system
rm -rf <path-to-apk>
rm -rf /data/data/<package-name>
mount -o ro,remount /system
Start specific activity:
am start -n <yourpackagename>/<Activity-with-absolute-or-relative-path>
Put device into doze mode:
adb devices (it gives you the device serial)
adb -s <device_serial> shell dumpsys battery unplug
adb -s <device_serial> shell dumpsys deviceidle step
the states 'stepped to' were as follows: IDLE_PENDING, SENSING, LOCATING, IDLE.
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