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## Initial setup you should only have to do this once
# Checkout docker stacks project
git clone
cd docker-stacks/base-notebook
# Clone the telemetry in this directory, this is currently a private repo.
git clone
# git needs to be added to base image
sed -i '' 's/ca-certificates/ca-certificates git/g' Dockerfile
# Build and tag this image
docker build . -t base-notebook
# Remove it if it already exists
docker rm base-notebook
# Run the base-notebook adding in the telemetry
docker run --name base-notebook -v "$(pwd)"/hwf-jupyterlab-telemetry:/home/jovyan/hwf-jupyterlab-telemetry:z -p 8888:8888 base-notebook --autoreload
## You may have to do these steps below each time you need to re-create the container
# If you just stop the container you can start it with
# docker start base-notebook -a
# TODO: Create a new Dockerfile that extends this one and adds this telemetry?
# Not sure how auto reload works yet
# Install telemetry now (could be in an earlier phase)
docker exec -it base-notebook /bin/bash
# Build the extension, this will take a few minutes
cd hwf-jupyterlab-telemetry && pip install . && jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite && npm install typescript && npm run build
# Copy the URL that's in the window, use the one and go to that!
# After doing this go to /lab (You have to do the copy/paste for the token first)
# Click the puzzle piece icon on the left and click enable
# The code is currently hardcoded to use to capture events, you can see them there
# TODO: Document how to re-build/reload. Since this directory is mounted it probably just involves doing the step again to build the extension
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lsloan commented May 14, 2021

I'd not gotten quite that far.

I had created a short docker-compose.yaml (

My next step was going to be trying the install steps.

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lsloan commented May 24, 2021

For the docker run command (line 20), include the --env JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes argument to start JupyterLab by default. Then it won't be necessary to go into Jupyter Notebook first, followed by editing the URL to access JupyterLab.

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