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Last active February 16, 2017 16:57
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Reboot EnGenius gateway when we notice the ethernet is down (from wireless side, but would work ethernet side if ethernet is not the problem) Cron Monitor Script DDWRT
# We had a problem wiht EnGenius access point loosing ethernet link, but was accessable
# from wireless side. we ran this script on one of the DDWRT routers on wireless side
# specifing an address on the other side of the ethernet link. Put this in a cron
# and specify an IP address on the other side, and if it is not accessable, check
# that the EnGenius access point is accessable, if so reboot it via the telnet CLI.
# we ran this every 15 min via cron on ddwrt on wireless side of access point
# put username, password and address of EnGenius gateway below.
# remove these comments if storing script in EEPROM
Monitor_ip='<pingable ip to monitor>'
EnGenius_gw='<ip of your EnGenius GW'
EnGenius_pw='<your pw>'
logger "monitor link script run"
ping -c10 -q $Monitor_ip
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "alive"
exit 0
echo"down reboot wireless if up"
ping -c10 -q $EnGenius_gw
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "wireless up, reboot"
logger "reboot link"
{ sleep 2; echo $EnGenius_un; echo $EnGenius_pw; sleep 1; echo "reboot"; sleep 1; echo "logout"; } | telnet $EnGenius_gw
echo "wireless not up do nothing"
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