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node {
def maven32 = docker.image('maven:3.2-jdk-7-onbuild');
stage 'Mirror'
// First make sure the slave has this image.
// (If you could set your registry below to mirror Docker Hub,
// this would be unnecessary as maven32.inside would pull the image.)
// We are pushing to a private secure docker registry in this demo.
// 'docker-registry-login' is the username/password credentials ID
// as defined in Jenkins Credentials.
// This is used to authenticate the docker client to the registry.
docker.withRegistry('', 'docker-registry-login') {
stage 'Build'
// spin up a Maven container to build the petclinic app from source
// (we are only using -v here to share the Maven local repository across demo runs;
// otherwise would set localRepository=${pwd}/m2repo)
maven32.inside('-v /m2repo:/m2repo') {
// Check out the source code.
git ''
// Set up a shared Maven repo so we don't need to download all dependencies on every build.
writeFile file: 'settings.xml',
text: '<settings><localRepository>/m2repo</localRepository></settings>'
// Build with Maven settings.xml file that specs the local Maven repo.
sh 'mvn -B -s settings.xml clean install -DskipTests'
// The app .war and Dockerfile are now available in the workspace. See below.
stage 'Bake Docker image'
// use the spring-petclinic Dockerfile (see above 'maven32.inside()' block)
// to build container that can run the app. The Dockerfile is in the cwd of the active workspace
// (see above maven32.inside() block), so we pass '.' as the build PATH param. The Dockerfile
// (see expects the petclinic.war
// file to be in the 'target' dir of the workspace, which will be the case.
def pcImg ="examplecorp/spring-petclinic:${env.BUILD_TAG}", '.')
// Let's tag and push the newly built image. Will tag using the image name provided
// in the '' call above (which included the build number on the tag).
stage 'Test Image'
// Run the petclinic app in its own docker container
pcImg.withRun {petclinic ->
// Spin up a maven test container, linking it to the petclinic app container allowing
// the maven tests to fire HTTP requests between the containers.
maven32.inside("-v /m2repo:/m2repo --link=${}:petclinic") {
git ''
writeFile file: 'settings.xml',
text: '<settings><localRepository>/m2repo</localRepository></settings>'
sh 'mvn -B -s settings.xml clean package'
stage name: 'Promote Image', concurrency: 1
// All the tests passed. We can now retag and push the 'latest' image
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