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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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  • Save loveencounterflow/cb0b76c9d5d0b64137b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save loveencounterflow/cb0b76c9d5d0b64137b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
`lte` key limits in LevelDB and Unicode
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.8.0
(function() {
var $, D, db, db_route, feed, fs, gte, keys, log, new_db, read, rmrf, rpr, through2;
fs = require('fs');
log = console.log;
rpr = (require('util')).inspect;
new_db = require('level');
through2 = require('through2');
rmrf = require('rimraf');
D = require('pipedreams2');
$ = D.remit.bind(D);
feed = function(db, keys, handler) {
var input, key, output, _i, _len;
output = db.createWriteStream();
input = through2.obj();
input.pipe($(function(key, send) {
return send({
key: key,
value: 1
})).pipe(output).on('close', function() {
return handler();
for (_i = 0, _len = keys.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
key = keys[_i];
return input.end();
read = function(db, lte, gte, handler) {
var input;
log("listing keys up to LTE: " + (rpr(lte)) + " " + (rpr(new Buffer(lte))));
input = db.createKeyStream({
gte: gte,
lte: lte
return input.pipe($(function(key, send, end) {
if (end != null) {
return handler();
if (module.parent == null) {
keys = ['a', 'abcdef', 'aäöü', 'aΔ', 'a中', 'a𠁩', '~', 'äöü', 'ÿ', 'Δ', '中', '𠁩', '\uffff', '\xff'];
db_route = '/tmp/level';
if (fs.existsSync(db_route)) {
db = new_db(db_route);
gte = 'a';
feed(db, keys, function() {
var lte;
lte = 'a~';
return read(db, lte, gte, function() {
lte = 'a\xff';
return read(db, lte, gte, function() {
lte = 'a\uffff';
return read(db, lte, gte, function() {
lte = new Buffer([0x61, 0xff]);
return read(db, lte, gte, function() {
return log('--------');
fs = require 'fs'
log = console.log
rpr = ( require 'util' ).inspect
new_db = require 'level'
through2 = require 'through2'
rmrf = require 'rimraf'
D = require 'pipedreams2'
$ = D.remit.bind D
feed = ( db, keys, handler ) ->
output = db.createWriteStream()
input = through2.obj()
.pipe $ ( key, send ) -> send { key, value: 1, }
.pipe output
.on 'close', -> handler()
input.write key for key in keys
read = ( db, lte, gte, handler ) ->
log "listing keys up to LTE: #{rpr lte} #{rpr new Buffer lte}"
input = db.createKeyStream { gte, lte, }
.pipe $ ( key, send, end ) ->
log rpr key
if end?
unless module.parent?
keys = [
db_route = '/tmp/level'
rmrf.sync db_route if fs.existsSync db_route
db = new_db db_route
gte = 'a'
feed db, keys, ->
log '--------'
lte = 'a~'
read db, lte, gte, ->
log '--------'
lte = 'a\xff'
read db, lte, gte, ->
log '--------'
lte = 'a\uffff'
read db, lte, gte, ->
log '--------'
lte = new Buffer [ 0x61, 0xff, ]
read db, lte, gte, ->
log '--------'
listing keys up to LTE: 'a~' <Buffer 61 7e>
listing keys up to LTE: 'aÿ' <Buffer 61 c3 bf>
listing keys up to LTE: 'a￿' <Buffer 61 ef bf bf>
listing keys up to LTE: <Buffer 61 ff> <Buffer 61 ff>
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quick demo to demonstrate that you should not use any of ~, ÿ, or even \uFFFF in your LevelDB when you want 'all possible keys with this prefix'.

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