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Last active June 30, 2021 16:23
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ODT to HTML conversion


Important note

This code is not up to date. It is now hosted at

PHP script that converts ODT to HTML

ophir.php is a lightweight script that parses an open document file and outputs a simple HTML file, with very few tags (contrarily to most other tools that do the same).


Currently, the script parses bold (b tag), italic (i tag), underline (u tag), quotations (blockquote tag), images (using data URIs), links, headings (h1, h2, ...), lists (ul and li), tables (table tr and td) annotations and footnotes. Ophir.php can also ignore or remove some tags on demand. This can be useful if you want to extract only unformatted text from a document, or if you don't want tables, footnotes or annotations in the resulting HTML, or if the application that generated the ODT file produced unnecessary formatting informations ...


Everything that is not mentioned in the feature section is not supported.

How to use this script

This script requires libzip and XMLReader, that are usually installed by default with php5. If you meet these requirements, just put ophir.php on your server, and use it like that:

$OPHIR_CONF["footnote"] = 0; //Do not import footnotes $OPHIR_CONF["annotation"] = 0; //Do not import annotations

$OPHIR_CONF["list"] = 1; //Import lists, but prints them as simple text (no ul or li tags will be generated) $OPHIR_CONF["link"] = 1; //Import links, but prints them as simple text (only extract text from the links)

/*Available parameters are: "header", "quote", "list", "table", "footnote", "link", "image", "note", and "annotation" */

echo odt2html("/path/to/file.odt");



Ophir.php is under LGPLv3. Full license informations available at

Other scripts

This script was coded in one afternoon to answer to my personal needs. More professional tools, with more features, that produce uglier HTML files are available:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php echo @$_FILES["file"]["name"]; ?></title>
if (!isset($_FILES["file"])) {
<form action="file_upload.php" method="post"
<label for="file">Filename:</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" />
<br />
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1>
<tr><th>Element</th><th>Import</th><th>Import as text</th><th>Remove</th></tr>
foreach ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"] as $conf=>$value){
echo '<tr><td>'.$conf.'</td>';
echo '<td><input type="radio" name="features['.$conf.']" value="2" checked></td>';
echo '<td><input type="radio" name="features['.$conf.']" value="1" /></td>';
echo '<td><input type="radio" name="features['.$conf.']" value="0" /></td>';
echo '</tr>';
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
if (($_FILES["file"]["size"] < 1e6))
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br />";
$_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"] = array_map('intval', $_POST["features"]);
$time = microtime(true);
echo odt2html($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"]);
echo '<div style="background-color:grey">';
echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br />";
echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br />";
echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " Kb<br />";
echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br />";
echo "\n\n<br><font size='0.5em'>HTML generated in <b>".(microtime(true)-$time)."</b> microseconds</font>";
echo "</div>";
echo "Invalid file";
* @file
* ODT to HTML conversion functions
* Two functions are defined here : the first extracts the contents as XML from
* the ODT file. The second parses the XML to produce HTML.
/* Configuration.
0 : do not parse, do not print
1 : print as simple text (do not apply any HTML tag or style)
2 : print and apply all supported HTML tags and styles
$_ophir_odt_import_conf = array(
"features" => array (
"header" => 2,
"list" => 2,
"table" => 2,
"footnote" => 2,
"link" => 2,
"image" => 2,
"note" => 2,
"annotation" => 2,
'table of contents' => 0,
"images_folder" => "images"
function ophir_is_image ($file) {
$image_extensions = array("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "svg");
$ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!in_array($ext, $image_extensions)) return FALSE;
return (strpos(@mime_content_type($file), 'image') === 0);
function ophir_copy_file($from, $to) {
if (function_exists('file_unmanaged_copy')){
$filename = file_unmanaged_save_data(file_get_contents($from), $to, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
return ($filename) ? file_create_url($filename) : false;
}else {
if (file_exists($to)) {
if (crc32(file_get_contents($from)) === crc32(file_get_contents($from))) return $to;
$i = pathinfo($to);
$to = $i['dirname'] . '/' . $i['filename'] . time() . '.' . $i['extension'];
return (copy($from, $to)) ? $to : FALSE;
function ophir_error($error){
if (function_exists("drupal_set_message")){
drupal_set_message($error, 'error');
echo '<div style="color:red;font-size:2em;">' . $error . '</div>';
* Function that parses the XML and outputs HTML. If $xml is not provided,
* extract content.xml from $odt_file
function odt2html($odt_file, $xml_string=NULL) {
global $_ophir_odt_import_conf;
$xml = new XMLReader();
if ($xml_string===NULL){
if (@$xml->open('zip://'.$odt_file.'#content.xml') === FALSE) {
ophir_error("Unable to read file contents.");
return false;
if(@$xml->xml($xml_string)===FALSE) {
ophir_error("Invalid file contents.");
return false;
//Now, convert the xml from a string to an
$html = "";
$elements_tree = array();
static $styles = array("Quotations" => array("tags" => array("blockquote")));
$footnotes = "";
$translation_table = array ();
$translation_table['draw:frame'] = 'div class="odt-frame"';
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["list"]===0) $translation_table["text:list"] = FALSE;
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["list"]===2) {
$translation_table["text:list"] = "ul";
$translation_table["text:list-item"] = "li";
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["table"]===0) $translation_table["table:table"] = FALSE;
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["table"]===2) {
$translation_table["table:table"] = "table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=1";
$translation_table["table:table-row"] = "tr";
$translation_table["table:table-cell"] = "td";
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["table of contents"]===0) $translation_table['text:table-of-content'] = FALSE;
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["table of contents"]===2) {
$translation_table['text:table-of-content'] = 'div class="odt-table-of-contents"';
//$xml->read(); echo "\n<br><code>\n" .str_replace("&lt", "\n<br><br>&lt", htmlspecialchars($xml->readInnerXML())). "\n</code><br>\n\n";
while ($xml->read()) {
//var_dump($xml->name, $xml->nodeType, $xml->isEmptyElement, ($xml->hasValue)?$xml->value:FALSE); echo "\n<br>\n";
$opened_tags = array();//This array will contain the HTML tags opened in every iteration
if ($xml->nodeType === XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) {//Handle a closing tag
if (empty($elements_tree)) continue;
do {
$element = array_pop($elements_tree);
if ($element && $element["tags"]) {
//Close opened tags
$element["tags"] = array_reverse($element["tags"]);
foreach ($element["tags"] as $HTML_tag) {
//$html.= "<font style='color:red' title='Closing $HTML_tag, from $element[name]. Current element is " .($xml->name). "'>©</font>";
$HTML_tag = current(explode(" ", $HTML_tag));
$html .= "</" . $HTML_tag . ">";
} while ($xml->name !== $element["name"] && $element); //Close every opened tags. This should also handle malformed XML files
elseif (in_array($xml->nodeType,
) {//Handle tags
switch ($xml->name) {
case "#text"://Text
//$html .= str_replace(array("<",">"),array("&lt;","&gt;"), $xml->value);
$html .= htmlspecialchars($xml->value);
case "text:h"://Title
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["header"]===0) {
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["header"]===1) break;
$n = $xml->getAttribute("text:outline-level");
if ($n>6) $n=6;
$opened_tags[] = "h$n";
$html .= "\n\n<h$n>";
case "text:p"://Paragraph
//Just convert odf <text:p> to html <p>
$tags = @$styles[$xml->getAttribute("text:style-name")]["tags"];
if (!($tags && !in_array("blockquote", $tags))) {
// Do not print a <p> immediatly after or before a <blockquote>
$opened_tags[] = "p";
$html .= "\n<p>";
case "text:a":
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["link"]===0) {
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["link"]===1) break;
$href = $xml->getAttribute("xlink:href");
$opened_tags[] = 'a';
$html .= '<a href="' . $href . '">';
case "draw:image":
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["image"]===0) {
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["image"]===1) break;
$image_file = 'zip://' . $odt_file . '#' . $xml->getAttribute("xlink:href");
if (isset($_ophir_odt_import_conf["images_folder"]) &&
is_dir($_ophir_odt_import_conf["images_folder"]) ) {
if (ophir_is_image($image_file)) {
$image_to_save = $_ophir_odt_import_conf["images_folder"] . '/' . basename($image_file);
if ( !($src = ophir_copy_file ($image_file, $image_to_save))) {
ophir_error("Unable to move image file");
} else {
ophir_error("Found invalid image file.");
else {
ophir_error('Unable to save the image. Creating a data URL. Image saved directly in the body.F');
$src = 'data:image;base64,' . base64_encode(file_get_contents($image_file));
$html .= "\n<img src=\"$src\" />";
case "style:style":
$name = $xml->getAttribute("style:name");
$parent = $xml->getAttribute("style:parent-style-name");
if (array_key_exists($parent, $styles)) $styles[$name] = $styles[$parent]; //Not optimal
if ($xml->isEmptyElement) break; //We can't handle that at the moment
while ( $xml->read() && //Read one tag
($xml->name != "style:style" || $xml->nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) //Stop on </style:style>
) {
if ($xml->name == "style:text-properties") {
if ($xml->getAttribute("fo:font-style") == "italic")
$styles[$name]["tags"][] = "i"; //Creates the style and add <i> to its tags
if ($xml->getAttribute("fo:font-weight") == "bold")
$styles[$name]["tags"][] = "b"; //Creates the style and add <b> to its tags
if ($xml->getAttribute("style:text-underline-style") == "solid")
$styles[$name]["tags"][] = "u"; //Creates the style and add <b> to its tags
case "text:note":
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["note"]===0) {
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["note"]===1) break;
$note_id = $xml->getAttribute("text:id");
$note_name = "Note";
while ( $xml->read() && //Read one tag
($xml->name != "text:note" || $xml->nodeType != XMLReader::END_ELEMENT) //Stop on </style:style>
) {
if ($xml->name=="text:note-citation" &&
$xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT)
$note_name = $xml->readString();
elseif ($xml->name=="text:note-body" &&
$xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$note_content = odt2html($odt_file, $xml->readOuterXML());
$html .= "<sup><a href=\"#odt-footnote-$note_id\" class=\"odt-footnote-anchor\" name=\"anchor-odt-$note_id\">$note_name</a></sup>";
$footnotes .= "\n" . '<div class="odt-footnote" id="odt-footnote-' . $note_id . '" >';
$footnotes .= '<a class="footnote-name" href="#anchor-odt-' . $note_id . '">' . $note_name . ' .</a> ';
$footnotes .= $note_content;
$footnotes .= '</div>' . "\n";
case "office:annotation":
if ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["annotation"]===0) {
elseif ($_ophir_odt_import_conf["features"]["annotation"]===1) break;
$annotation_id = (isset($annotation_id))?$annotation_id+1:1;
$annotation_content = "";
$annotation_creator = "Anonymous";
$annotation_date = "";
if ($xml->name=="dc:creator" &&
$xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT)
$annotation_creator = $xml->readString();
elseif ($xml->name=="dc:date" &&
$xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$annotation_date = date("jS \of F Y, H\h i\m", strtotime($xml->readString()));
elseif ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
//echo "<h1>Contenu!!" . $xml->readString(). "</h1>";
$annotation_content .= $xml->readString();
}while (!($xml->name === "office:annotation" &&
$xml->nodeType === XMLReader::END_ELEMENT));//End of the note
$html .= '<sup><a href="#odt-annotation-' . $annotation_id . '" name="anchor-odt-annotation-' . $annotation_id . '" title="Annotation (' . $annotation_creator . ')">(' . $annotation_id . ')</a></sup>';
$footnotes .= "\n" . '<div class="odt-annotation" id="odt-annotation-' . $annotation_id . '" >';
$footnotes .= '<a class="annotation-name" href="#anchor-odt-annotation-' . $annotation_id . '"> (' . $annotation_id . ')&nbsp;</a>';
$footnotes .= "\n" . '<b>' . $annotation_creator . ' (<i>' . $annotation_date . '</i>)</b> :';
$footnotes .= "\n" . '<div class="odt-annotation-content">' . $annotation_content . '</div>';
$footnotes .= '</div>' . "\n";
if (array_key_exists($xml->name, $translation_table)) {
if ($translation_table[$xml->name]===FALSE) {
$tag = explode(" ", $translation_table[$xml->name], 1);
//$tag[0] is the tag name, other indexes are attributes
$opened_tags[] = $tag[0];
$html .= "\n<" . $translation_table[$xml->name] . ">";
if ($xml->nodeType === XMLReader::ELEMENT &&
!($xml->isEmptyElement) ) { //Opening tag
$current_element_style = $xml->getAttribute("text:style-name");
if ($current_element_style &&
isset($styles[$current_element_style])) {
//Styling tags management
foreach ($styles[$current_element_style]["tags"] as $HTML_tag) {
$html .= "<" . $HTML_tag . ">";
$opened_tags[] = $HTML_tag;
$elements_tree[] = array("name" => $xml->name,
"tags" => $opened_tags);
return $html . $footnotes;
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j6s commented Jan 24, 2013

Hey, my name is Johannes Hertenstein. I recently started creating a little script called simpleblog, wich allows you to create a blog by only creating folders and files in a directory. When i stumbled upon this skript i relasized, that this really is great and i used it to create a version of the script, which allows to create a new blogpost by only dragging a new OpenOffice file into a folder. I hope i will be allowed to use ophir within this. Would be nice to get a reply (you can contact me at <MAIL_ADDRESS_REDACTED> )

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excellent, exactly what I needed, keeps only tags and remove attributes and styles.
Thank you!

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To make it XML/XHTML compatible, I would suggest this small fix:

<             $html .= "\n<p>";
> 	    if($xml->isEmptyElement) {
>               $html .= "\n<p/>";
> 	    } else {
>               $html .= "\n<p>";
> 	    }

It may apply to other tags, although for me it only happened with paragraphs.

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