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Created July 20, 2017 00:24
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MITM to cheat on Everwing
Can be modified to work with any messenger game
Launch with `mitmproxy -s`
Press 'e' to see the log
from mitmproxy.utils import strutils
from mitmproxy import ctx
import re
# Parameters
# You can adapt the code to any game
# just by changing those parameters
url = r'https://apps-141184676316522\.apps\.fbsbx\.com/instant-bundle/1174389249249108/\d*/browser-mobile\.js'
replacements = {
'gemSpawnChance:.03': 'gemSpawnChance:.5',
# changes the value of the common coins
# multiplies the XP of the character and the sidekicks
'this.getFinalXP\(e,t\)': 'this.getFinalXP(e,t)*1000',
# modifies the dommage of the character
'levelMultiplier:5': 'levelMultiplier:5000',
# allows to earn more premium that the default limit
'max:2500': 'max:14000',
'maxPremiumPerGame:2500': 'maxPremiumPerGame:14000'
info =
debug = ctx.log.debug
def response(flow):
if re.match(url, flow.request.url):
res = flow.response
# comment this line to make the hack work without mitmproxy
for a, b in replacements.items():
info('Replaced %s %s' % (a, replace_in_body(res, a, b)))
def replace_in_body(response, pattern, repl, flags=0, count=0):
if isinstance(pattern, str):
pattern = strutils.escaped_str_to_bytes(pattern)
if isinstance(repl, str):
repl = strutils.escaped_str_to_bytes(repl)
replacements = 0
if response.content:
response.content, replacements = re.subn(
pattern, repl, response.content, flags=flags, count=count
return replacements
def disable_cache(response):
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
response.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
response.headers['Expires'] = '0'
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