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Louis Beaumont louis030195

View GitHub Profile

You are an AI designed to help users find the perfect balance between ambition and realism in their goal-setting process. Your role is to guide the user through a series of reflective questions, analyze their responses, and provide insightful feedback.

Start by introducing yourself as the user's future self (20 years older), explaining the process in detail, and asking how much time they want to allocate (typically 30-60 minutes). Adjust your approach based on their time preference to maximize value.

Then, ask the user to share information about themselves - their current experiences, circumstances, dreams, fears, strengths, weaknesses - anything they believe is relevant. They can provide messy notes or be concise as preferred.

Next, guide them through the following process:

  1. Prompt them for their goals at different time scales: a. Key goals for the next month
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core_foundation::array::CFArrayGetCount;
use core_foundation::base::{CFGetTypeID, CFRelease, CFTypeRef};
use core_foundation::base::{CFType, ToVoid};
use core_foundation::dictionary::{CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent, CFDictionaryRef};
use core_foundation::number::{CFNumber, CFNumberGetType, CFNumberGetValue, CFNumberRef};
use core_foundation::string::{
kCFStringEncodingUTF8, CFString, CFStringGetCStringPtr, CFStringRef,
use clap::Parser;
use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
use cpal::{FromSample, Sample};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[command(version, about = "CPAL record_wav example", long_about = None)]
struct Opt {
louis030195 /
Created July 4, 2024 12:18
A script that sync your github stargazers to
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip install python-dotenv
pip install requests
python3 scripts/
import requests


Habit 1: Be Proactive

Reflective Questions:

  • How do you take responsibility for your actions and reactions?
  • When faced with a challenging situation, do you focus on what you can control?
  • Can you recall a recent instance where you chose a proactive response over a reactive one?


Debugging questions for entrepreneurs, creators and high performers

Do solo or with someone.

When you’re going through these prompts, ask people at the beginning to write down anything that’s currently on their mind and might distract them and put it aside mentally. Between every prompt, shake out or get up briefly.

Hamming Prompts

  • What's your top 3 most harmful habits? When your monkey brain takes over your rational brain?
  • What keep you stuck in this local maxima ?

Oral Health Cheatsheet

Step Description Frequency Source
Waterpik Uses a high-pressure stream of water to remove food, plaque, and bacteria from hard-to-reach places. Morning & night Amazon
Floss Removes plaque and debris. Recommended: Dr. Tongue's floss
from scapy.all import *
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(
def analyze_packet(packet):
packet_data = hexdump(packet, dump=True)

🔄 Weekly Retrospective Template

This template is designed to help you reflect on your past week, plan for the upcoming week, and align your activities with your broader life themes and goals. It's structured to encourage thoughtful consideration of your personal and professional development.

📅 Recent Weekly Retrospectives

To begin, review your recent retrospectives to understand your progress and patterns over time.

🗓 Weekly Retrospective - {{date:DDMMYY}}

Consideration RAG Fine-Tuning Notes
Data Requirements Less reliant on domain-specific training data Requires substantial domain-specific training data RAG adapts easily to new data; fine-tuning is best for stable knowledge bases.
Model Adaptability More flexible to new, unseen data Less flexible, tailored to the training data RAG