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Lorenzo Sinisi lorenzosinisi

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rtt /
Last active September 17, 2024 21:54
Tinder API Documentation

Tinder API documentation

Note: this was written in April/May 2014 and the API may has definitely changed since. I have nothing to do with Tinder, nor its API, and I do not offer any support for anything you may build on top of this. Proceed with caution

I've sniffed most of the Tinder API to see how it works. You can use this to create bots (etc) very trivially. Some example python bot code is here -> (horribly quick and dirty, you've been warned!)

sdthornton / Detect Mobile Browser - CoffeeScript
Last active December 20, 2015 17:19
Detect mobile browser coffee script variable
@mobileWeb = /Mobile|iP(hone|od|ad)|Android|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Kindle|NetFront|Silk-Accelerated|(hpw|web)OS|Fennec|Minimo|Opera M(obi|ini)|Blazer|Dolfin|Dolphin|Skyfire|Zune/i.test(navigator.userAgent)
// Usage: if @mobileWeb then ...