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2017-05-15 17:02:10 - Adv Pixel Id: 124, Campaign Type: PD, Event Type: IMPRESSION, Profile Id: 124, Site Id: 13691, Ad Slot: div-gpt-ad-1474908624076-4, Ad Size: 300x600, Impression Type: IMAGE, CPM: 1.68, DSP Campaign Id: 367284, Random Id: 2135103719, Advertiser Domains: [], Uniq SSP Req Id: 7330483698636661129, Uniq SSP Impr Id: 6430569388443789764, Uniq SSP Resp Id: 3, Open X Campaign Id: null, Open X Creative Id: null, Open X Creative Size Id: null, Deal Id: NA, Tag Id: NA, Pub Group Id: NA, Adapter Type: HTTP, Net Price: 1.68, Gross Price: 1.68, SSP Auction Price: 1.68, Publisher Id: NA, Server Region: null, Dsp Bid Price: 1.68, User IP:, SeenBefore: true, URL:, Domain:, UUID: 3D8DFF425A544FDD8B756722DF1C64DA, Redirect URL: null
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