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Created September 4, 2022 10:10
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This routine will move Messages from one folder to another if the Message is older than a nominated amount of days
# Title: Purge Aged Mail
# Iain Dunn
# Logic2Design
# Last update: 4 September 2022
# Version: 1
# Contributors and sources
# Jacques Rioux -
# Configuration
set includeList to {"Promos", "Home", "News", "Test"}
set showMailboxesProgress to true -- display the "Processing" box displayed for each mailbox
set destFolderName to "Trash" -- mailbox to move messages to
set mAge to 14 -- mail older than this in days will be moved
# Code
tell application "Mail"
set everyAccount to every account
repeat with eachAccount in everyAccount
set everyMailbox to every mailbox of eachAccount
set accountName to the name of eachAccount
repeat with theMailbox in everyMailbox
set currentMailbox to theMailbox
set mailboxName to the name of currentMailbox as rich text
if mailboxName is in includeList then
if showMailboxesProgress then
display dialog "Processing aged messages in folder " & mailboxName & " in account " & accountName
end if
set mSource to mailbox mailboxName of account accountName
set mDestination to mailbox destFolderName of account accountName
my getSubMailboxes_moveMSGs(mSource, mDestination, mAge)
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
# Functions
on getSubMailboxes_moveMSGs(s, d, a)
set processAge to (current date) - (a * days) -- days old the message must be before moved or deleted
tell application "Mail"
set messagesToDelete to messages of s whose date received processAge
repeat with aMessage in messagesToDelete
move aMessage to d
end repeat
repeat with thisSubMBox in (get mailboxes of s)
my getSubMailboxes_moveMSGs(thisSubMBox, d, a)
end repeat
end tell
end getSubMailboxes_moveMSGs
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