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Last active September 1, 2023 22:54
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LRO fun in TypeSpec
import "@typespec/http";
import "@typespec/rest";
import "@typespec/versioning";
import "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core";
using TypeSpec.Http;
using TypeSpec.Rest;
using TypeSpec.Versioning;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Core.Traits;
ApiKeyAuth<ApiKeyLocation.header, "api-key"> | OAuth2Auth<[
type: OAuth2FlowType.implicit,
authorizationUrl: "",
scopes: [""],
title: "Contoso Widget Manager",
"Contoso Widget APIs",
Supported Widget Services endpoints (protocol and hostname, for example:
endpoint: string,
namespace Contoso.WidgetManager;
@doc("The Contoso Widget Manager service version.")
enum Versions {
@doc("Version 2022-08-31")
@doc("A sample widget")
model SimpleWidget {
@doc("The widget identity")
id: string;
operationId: string;
@doc("A value")
value: string;
@doc("simple polling status")
model PollingStatus {
@header location?: ResourceLocation<PollingStatus>;
@doc("The status of the operation")
statusValue: "Succeeded" | "Canceled" | "Failed" | "Running";
model WidgetStatusMonitorResponse {
operationLocation: ResourceLocation<ResourceOperationStatus<SimpleWidget>>;
// following the url in this header will provide a response of type ResourceOperationStatus<Widget>
model MyStatus is ResourceOperationStatus<SimpleWidget>;
@doc("Get a widget")
@get op getWidget(@doc("The id") @path id: string): SimpleWidget;
@doc("get lro status")
@get op getStatus(
@doc("The id") @path id: string,
@doc("The operation") @path operationId: string
): PollingStatus;
@doc("Create a widget")
@put op createWidget(
@doc("The id") @path id: string,
@doc("The request body")body: SimpleWidget
) : {
@statusCode _: 202;
@pollingOperationParameter( @header id: string,
@pollingOperationParameter(getStatus::parameters.operationId) @header("operation-id") operation: string
op getWidgetOperationStatus is GetResourceOperationStatus<SimpleWidget>;
@doc("The id")id: ResponseProperty<"id">;
@doc("The operation")operationId: ResponseProperty<"operationId">
op createWidgetAsync is LongRunningResourceCreateOrReplace<SimpleWidget>;
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