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Created July 19, 2024 21:04
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import "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core";
import "@typespec/http";
import "@typespec/rest";
import "@typespec/versioning";
using TypeSpec.Rest;
using TypeSpec.Http;
using TypeSpec.Versioning;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Core.Traits;
title: "Azure App Configuration",
ApiKeyAuth<ApiKeyLocation.header, "Connection String"> | OAuth2Auth<[
type: OAuth2FlowType.implicit,
authorizationUrl: "",
scopes: [""],
"App Configuration service endpoint",
endpoint: url,
@doc("Azure App Configuration REST API")
namespace AzureAppConfiguration;
@doc("Service API versions")
enum Versions {
@doc("The 2023-11-01 API version")
v2023_11_01: "2023-11-01",
@doc("Key-value fields.")
union KeyValueFields {
@doc("Key field.")
key: "key",
@doc("Label field.")
label: "label",
@doc("Content type field.")
content_type: "content_type",
@doc("Value field.")
value: "value",
@doc("Last modified field.")
last_modified: "last_modified",
@doc("Tags field.")
tags: "tags",
@doc("Locked field.")
locked: "locked",
@doc("Etag field.")
etag: "etag",
@doc("Snapshot fields.")
union SnapshotFields {
@doc("Name field.")
name: "name",
@doc("Status field.")
status: "status",
@doc("Filters field.")
filters: "filters",
@doc("Composition type field.")
composition_type: "composition_type",
@doc("Created field.")
created: "created",
@doc("Expires field.")
expires: "expires",
@doc("Retention period field.")
retention_period: "retention_period",
@doc("Size field.")
size: "size",
@doc("Items count field.")
items_count: "items_count",
@doc("Tags field.")
tags: "tags",
@doc("Etag field.")
etag: "etag",
@doc("Snapshot status.")
union SnapshotStatus {
provisioning: "provisioning",
ready: "ready",
archived: "archived",
failed: "failed",
@doc("Composition types.")
union CompositionType {
@doc("The 'key' composition type.")
key: "key",
@doc("The 'key_label' composition type.")
key_label: "key_label",
@doc("Label fields.")
union LabelFields {
@doc("Name field.")
name: "name",
@doc("The result of a list request.")
model KeyListResult {
@doc("The collection value.")
items?: Key[];
@doc("The URI that can be used to request the next set of paged results.")
`@nextLink`?: string;
@doc("Keys serve as identifiers for key-values and are used to store and retrieve corresponding values.")
model Key {
@doc("The name of the key.")
name: string;
@doc("Azure App Configuration error object.")
model Error {
@doc("The type of the error.")
type?: string;
@doc("A brief summary of the error.")
title?: string;
@doc("The name of the parameter that resulted in the error.")
name?: string;
@doc("A detailed description of the error.")
detail?: string;
@doc("The HTTP status code that the error maps to.")
status?: int32;
@doc("The result of a list request.")
model KeyValueListResult {
@doc("The collection value.")
items?: KeyValue[];
@doc("An identifier representing the returned state of the resource.")
etag?: string;
@doc("The URI that can be used to request the next set of paged results.")
`@nextLink`?: string;
@doc("A key-value pair representing application settings.")
model KeyValue {
@doc("The key of the key-value.")
key: string;
@doc("The label the key-value belongs to.")
label?: string;
@doc("The content type of the value stored within the key-value.")
@encodedName("application/json", "content_type")
contentType?: string;
@doc("The value of the key-value.")
value?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-offsetdatetime" "Pre-existing API contract."
@doc("A date representing the last time the key-value was modified.")
@encodedName("application/json", "last_modified")
lastModified?: offsetDateTime;
@doc("The tags of the key-value")
tags?: Record<string>;
@doc("Indicates whether the key-value is locked.")
locked?: boolean;
@doc("A value representing the current state of the resource.")
etag?: string;
@doc("The result of a snapshot list request.")
model SnapshotListResult {
@doc("The collection value.")
items?: Snapshot[];
@doc("The URI that can be used to request the next set of paged results.")
`@nextLink`?: string;
@doc("A snapshot is a named, immutable subset of an App Configuration store's key-values.")
model Snapshot {
@doc("The name of the snapshot.")
name: string;
@doc("The current status of the snapshot.")
status?: SnapshotStatus;
@doc("A list of filters used to filter the key-values included in the snapshot.")
filters: KeyValueFilter[];
The composition type describes how the key-values within the snapshot are
composed. The 'key' composition type ensures there are no two key-values
containing the same key. The 'key_label' composition type ensures there are no
two key-values containing the same key and label.
@encodedName("application/json", "composition_type")
compositionType?: CompositionType;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-offsetdatetime" "Pre-existing API contract."
@doc("The time that the snapshot was created.")
created?: offsetDateTime;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-offsetdatetime" "Pre-existing API contract."
@doc("The time that the snapshot will expire.")
expires?: offsetDateTime;
The amount of time, in seconds, that a snapshot will remain in the archived
state before expiring. This property is only writable during the creation of a
snapshot. If not specified, the default lifetime of key-value revisions will be
@encodedName("application/json", "retention_period")
retentionPeriod?: int64;
@doc("The size in bytes of the snapshot.")
size?: int64;
@doc("The amount of key-values in the snapshot.")
@encodedName("application/json", "items_count")
itemsCount?: int64;
@doc("The tags of the snapshot.")
tags?: Record<string>;
@doc("A value representing the current state of the snapshot.")
etag?: string;
Enables filtering of key-values. Syntax reference:
model KeyValueFilter {
@doc("Filters key-values by their key field.")
key: string;
@doc("Filters key-values by their label field.")
label?: string;
@doc("Filters key-values by their tags field.")
tags?: string[];
@doc("Parameters used to update a snapshot.")
model SnapshotUpdateParameters {
@doc("The desired status of the snapshot.")
status?: SnapshotStatus;
@doc("The result of a list request.")
model LabelListResult {
@doc("The collection value.")
items?: Label[];
@doc("The URI that can be used to request the next set of paged results.")
`@nextLink`?: string;
@doc("Labels are used to group key-values.")
model Label {
@doc("The name of the label.")
name?: string;
@doc("Details of a long running operation.")
model OperationDetails {
@doc("The unique id of the operation.")
id: string;
@doc("The current status of the operation")
status: Foundations.OperationState;
An error, available when the status is `Failed`, describing why the operation
error?: Foundations.Error;
alias appConfigOperation<
TParams extends Reflection.Model,
Traits extends Reflection.Model = {},
TError = Error
> = Foundations.Operation<
TParams & ClientRequestIdHeader,
alias standardOps = ResourceOperations<
SupportsClientRequestId & NoRepeatableRequests & NoConditionalRequests,
alias syncTokenHeader = {
@doc("Used to guarantee real-time consistency between requests.")
syncToken?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-closed-literal-union" "Needs fix:"
alias contentTypeHeader<T extends string> = {
@doc("Content-Type header")
contentTypeHeader?: T | "application/problem+json";
alias AppConfigResponseHeaders = {
@doc("A value representing the current state of the resource.")
etagHeader?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets a list of keys.")
@doc("Gets a list of keys.")
op getKeys is Foundations.ResourceList<
@doc("A filter for the name of the returned keys.")
name?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
KeyListResult & {
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkKeys is appConfigOperation<
@doc("A filter for the name of the returned keys.")
name?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
OkResponse & {
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets a list of key-values.")
@doc("Gets a list of key-values.")
op getKeyValues is Foundations.ResourceList<
A filter used to match keys. Syntax reference:
key?: string;
A filter used to match labels. Syntax reference:
label?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
A filter used get key-values for a snapshot. The value should be the name of
the snapshot. Not valid when used with 'key' and 'label' filters.
snapshot?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/prefer-csv-collection-format" "Pre-existing API contract"
A filter used to query by tags. Syntax reference:
name: "tags",
format: "multi",
tags?: string[];
KeyValueListResult &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkKeyValues is appConfigOperation<
A filter used to match keys. Syntax reference:
key?: string;
A filter used to match labels. Syntax reference:
label?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
@doc("A filter used get key-values for a snapshot. Not valid when used with 'key' and 'label' filters.")
snapshot?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/prefer-csv-collection-format" "Pre-existing API contract"
A filter used to query by tags. Syntax reference:
name: "tags",
format: "multi",
tags?: string[];
OkResponse & AppConfigResponseHeaders
@summary("Gets a single key-value.")
@doc("Gets a single key-value.")
op getKeyValue is standardOps.ResourceRead<
@doc("The label of the key-value to retrieve.")
label?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
}> &
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
}> &
ResponseHeadersTrait<AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Creates a key-value.")
@doc("Creates a key-value.")
op putKeyValue is appConfigOperation<
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-closed-literal-union" "Needs fix:"
@doc("Content-Type header")
| "application/"
| "application/"
| "application/json"
| "text/json"
| "application/*+json"
| "application/json-patch+json";
@doc("The key of the key-value to create.")
key: string;
@doc("The label of the key-value to create.")
label?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
@doc("The key-value to create.")
entity?: KeyValue;
KeyValue &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Deletes a key-value.")
@doc("Deletes a key-value.")
op deleteKeyValue is appConfigOperation<
@doc("The key of the key-value to delete.")
key: string;
@doc("The label of the key-value to delete.")
label?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
(KeyValue &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
contentTypeHeader<"application/">) | {
statusCode: 204;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkKeyValue is appConfigOperation<
@doc("The key of the key-value to retrieve.")
key: string;
@doc("The label of the key-value to retrieve.")
label?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
OkResponse & AppConfigResponseHeaders
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets a list of key-value snapshots.")
@doc("Gets a list of key-value snapshots.")
op getSnapshots is Foundations.ResourceList<
@doc("A filter for the name of the returned snapshots.")
name?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: SnapshotFields[];
@doc("Used to filter returned snapshots by their status property.")
name: "status",
format: "csv",
status?: SnapshotStatus[];
SnapshotListResult & {
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkSnapshots is appConfigOperation<
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
OkResponse & {
@summary("Gets a single key-value snapshot.")
@doc("Gets a single key-value snapshot.")
op getSnapshot is standardOps.ResourceRead<
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: SnapshotFields[];
}> &
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
}> &
ResponseHeadersTrait<AppConfigResponseHeaders & {
@doc("Includes links to related resources.")
link?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Creates a key-value snapshot.")
@doc("Creates a key-value snapshot.")
op createSnapshot is Foundations.LongRunningOperation<
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-closed-literal-union" "Needs fix:"
@doc("Content-Type header")
contentTypeHeader: "application/" | "application/json";
@doc("The name of the key-value snapshot to create.")
name: string;
@doc("The key-value snapshot to create.")
entity: Snapshot;
CreatedResponse &
Snapshot & {
@doc("Includes links to related resources.")
link?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Updates the state of a key-value snapshot.")
@doc("Updates the state of a key-value snapshot.")
op updateSnapshot is appConfigOperation<
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/no-closed-literal-union" "Needs fix:"
@doc("Content-Type header")
contentTypeHeader: "application/merge-patch+json" | "application/json";
@doc("The name of the key-value snapshot to update.")
name: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
@doc("The parameters used to update the snapshot.")
entity: SnapshotUpdateParameters;
Snapshot & {
@doc("Includes links to related resources.")
link?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkSnapshot is appConfigOperation<
@doc("The name of the key-value snapshot to check.")
name: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
OkResponse & {
@doc("Includes links to related resources.")
link?: string;
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets a list of labels.")
@doc("Gets a list of labels.")
op getLabels is appConfigOperation<
@doc("A filter for the name of the returned labels.")
name?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: LabelFields[];
LabelListResult & {
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkLabels is appConfigOperation<
@doc("A filter for the name of the returned labels.")
name?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: LabelFields[];
OkResponse & {
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Locks a key-value.")
@doc("Locks a key-value.")
op putLock is appConfigOperation<
@doc("The key of the key-value to lock.")
key: string;
@doc("The label, if any, of the key-value to lock.")
label?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
KeyValue &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Unlocks a key-value.")
@doc("Unlocks a key-value.")
op deleteLock is appConfigOperation<
@doc("The key of the key-value to unlock.")
key: string;
@doc("The label, if any, of the key-value to unlock.")
label?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag matches the
value provided.
ifMatch?: string;
Used to perform an operation only if the targeted resource's etag does not
match the value provided.
ifNoneMatch?: string;
KeyValue &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets a list of key-value revisions.")
@doc("Gets a list of key-value revisions.")
op getRevisions is appConfigOperation<
A filter used to match keys. Syntax reference:
key?: string;
A filter used to match labels. Syntax reference:
label?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/prefer-csv-collection-format" "Pre-existing API contract"
A filter used to query by tags. Syntax reference:
name: "tags",
format: "multi",
tags?: string[];
KeyValueListResult &
AppConfigResponseHeaders &
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "No data-plane HEAD operation template"
@summary("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
@doc("Requests the headers and status of the given resource.")
op checkRevisions is appConfigOperation<
A filter used to match keys. Syntax reference:
key?: string;
A filter used to match labels. Syntax reference:
label?: string;
Instructs the server to return elements that appear after the element referred
to by the specified token.
after?: string;
Requests the server to respond with the state of the resource at the specified
acceptDatetime?: string;
@doc("Used to select what fields are present in the returned resource(s).")
name: "$Select",
format: "csv",
select?: KeyValueFields[];
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/prefer-csv-collection-format" "Pre-existing API contract"
A filter used to query by tags. Syntax reference:
name: "tags",
format: "multi",
tags?: string[];
OkResponse & AppConfigResponseHeaders
#suppress "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core/use-standard-operations" "Pre-existing API contract"
@summary("Gets the state of a long running operation.")
@doc("Gets the state of a long running operation.")
op getOperationDetails is appConfigOperation<
@doc("Snapshot identifier for the long running operation.")
snapshot: string;
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