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Created October 12, 2018 16:05
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[10:50.06] <Marth> I'm pretty muscular but it's staying around 170g of protein across the board
[10:50.20] <Marth> I tried a different calculator that implements body fat and I get about the same
[10:50.23] <Marth> Seems pretty high
[10:52.24] <Marth> Breakfast and lunch got me 81g of protein
[10:53.05] <FriedBob> At 5'10" 262 pounds and 31.91% (averaged) bodyfat, that gives me protein range of 107 (0.6 g/lb LBM) to 143 (0.8g/lb LBM) grams for an estimated 178.73 pounds LBM
[10:59.52] <FriedBob> Aslo, for your macros, percentages and ratios are pretty useless
[11:00.10] <FriedBob> the only case where it somewhat makes sense is medical keto, which is it's own beast.
[11:00.17] <seoulseeker> If you're lifting weights (and you should be!) then target about .8 to 1g of protein per lean pound of body mass
[11:00.53] <FriedBob> 1g won't hurt, but more 0.8g is where the benefits cap out
[11:01.26] <seoulseeker> y
[11:01.36] <seoulseeker> yup!
[11:02.16] <FriedBob> 0.6 is, last I heard, the minimin needed to prevent losing lean mass
[11:02.34] <tumble-> it depends on each person. some will lose mass at 0.6
[11:03.19] <tumble-> some will even have benefits at 1.2g
[11:04.23] * Marth (d11f81c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined channel #ketochat
[11:04.28] <FriedBob> Sur,e yu can find outliers and exceptions to just about anything, doesn't mean that it no longer applies for 99% of cases
[11:04.34] <Marth> My companies internet just went down l0l
[11:04.39] <Marth> Sorry, I didn't get any responses
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