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Last active September 15, 2019 22:08
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anonymize syncthing log with config xml
use strict;
use warnings;
$| = 1;
# use module
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Regexp::Common qw /net/;
my $configFile = "syncthing.config.xml";
my $filename = "syncthing.logs.since-2019.08.01.log";
# create object
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
# read XML file
my $data = $xml->XMLin($configFile);
#~ print Dumper($data);
my @devices = keys %{$data->{'device'}};
my $replacements ={};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@devices); $i++ ) {
#~ print "$i $devices[$i]";
my $device=$devices[$i];
my $deviceId=$data->{'device'}->{$device}->{'id'};
my ($deviceShortId) = split(/-/,$deviceId);
$replacements->{'device-names'}->{$device} = "device-name-$i";
$replacements->{'device-ids'}->{$deviceId} = "device-id-$i";
$replacements->{'device-short-ids'}->{$deviceShortId} = "device-short-id-$i";
#~ print "\n";
my @folders=keys %{$data->{'folder'}};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@folders); $i++ ) {
my $folder=$folders[$i];
my $folderLabel=$data->{'folder'}->{$folder}->{'label'};
$folderLabel=~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # escape non-word character, because it will be used in regex
my $folderPath=$data->{'folder'}->{$folder}->{'path'};
$replacements->{'folder-ids'}->{$folder} = "folder-id-$i";
$replacements->{'folder-paths'}->{$folderPath} = "/folder-path-$i";
if ( length($folderLabel) > 0 ) {
$replacements->{'folder-labels'}->{$folderLabel} = "folder-label-$i";
# respect ignored folders
for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@devices); $i++ ) {
#~ print "$i $devices[$i]";
my $device=$devices[$i];
my $ignoredFolders = $data->{'device'}->{$device}->{'ignoredFolder'};
my $folderId=$_;
my $folderLabel=$ignoredFolders->{$folderId}->{'label'};
$folderLabel=~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # escape non-word character, because it will be used in regex
#~ print "$folderId - $folderLabel\n";
if ( !exists($replacements->{'folder-ids'}->{$folderId})){
my @folderIds=keys %{$replacements->{'folder-ids'}};
my $nextId=scalar(@folderIds);
$replacements->{'folder-ids'}->{$folderId} = "folder-id-$nextId";
if ( !exists($replacements->{'folder-labels'}->{$folderLabel})){
my @folderLabels=keys %{$replacements->{'folder-labels'}};
my $nextId=scalar(@folderLabels);
$replacements->{'folder-labels'}->{$folderLabel} = "folder-label-$nextId";
}keys %{$ignoredFolders};
#~ print Dumper();
#~ print "\n";
#print Dumper(\@devices);
#~ print Dumper($replacements);
#grep{ print $_,"\n" } sort( keys %{$replacements->{'folder-ids'}})
#~ exit 0;
sub replaced {
my ($row) = @_;
my $hashName = $_;
#~ print "hashname $hashName\n";
my $hash = $replacements->{$hashName};
my ($key,$value) = ($_,$hash->{$_});
#~ print "\t$key -> $value\n";
my $count = $row =~ s/([\W]+)($key)([\W]?)/$1$value$3/g;
#~ if ($count > 0){
#~ print $row,"\n" ;
#~ print "replaced: $key -> $value\n";
#~ }
}keys %{$hash};
}qw/device-ids device-short-ids device-names folder-ids folder-paths folder-labels ipv4s ipv6s/;
return $row;
my $anonFile = "$filename.anon";
open (my $fh, "<", $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
open (my $fhA, ">", $anonFile) or die "Could not open file '$anonFile' $!";
my $ipv4s ={};
my $ipv6s ={};
# scan all ips
my $cnt1=0;
while(my $row = <$fh>){
#~ last if (++$cnt1 > 2000);
grep{ $ipv4s->{$_}=1; }( $row =~ /($RE{net}{IPv4})/og );
grep{ $ipv6s->{$_}=1; }( $row =~ /($RE{net}{IPv6})/og );
my @ipv4s = keys %{$ipv4s};
my @ipv6s = keys %{$ipv6s};
for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@ipv4s); $i++) { $replacements->{'ipv4s'}->{$ipv4s[$i]} = "ipv4-$i"; }
for(my $i=0; $i < scalar(@ipv6s); $i++) { $replacements->{'ipv6s'}->{$ipv6s[$i]} = "ipv6-$i"; }
seek $fh, 0, 0; # start from the beginning
#~ print Dumper($ipv4s);
#~ print Dumper($ipv6s);
#~ print Dumper($replacements->{'device-names'});
my $cnt2 = 0;
while (my $row = <$fh> ) {
#~ last if (++$cnt2 > 200);
chomp $row;
#~ if ($row =~ /Ignor/) {
print $fhA &replaced($row),"\n" ;
#~ print &replaced($row),"\n" ;
#~ }
print "done\n";
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