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!!Con 2024
August 24-25, 2024
Santa Cruz, California
and online
Two days of ten-minute talks about
the joy, excitement, and surprise of computing
Let’s make local and accountable tech! (Dawn Walker) • Reverse-engineering a 30-year old synthesizer to perfectly recreate video game music! (Peter Sobot) • Programming with only exceptions! (Nicole Tietz-Sokolskaya) • Mitos! Handweaving My Ancestral DNA!!! (Sally Kong) • Let’s run a tiny chess neural network by hand! (Amédée d’Aboville) • The Astrolabe! Using modern digital computing to recreate ancient analog computers (Jes Wolfe) • A brief history of keyboards! (Jesse Chen) • Recreating Sketchpad, the first GUI! (Adam Solove) • Images from a 1970s Typewriter!! (Phil Warren) • bang! bang! he murdered math! {the musical!} (Taylor Troesh) • Huggable Data! Making the Ephemeral Last Longer with Textile Dataviz! (Aldís Elfarsdóttir) • Keyboarding Ain’t Easy?? What Not To Do When Building a Keyboard!! (Liz Frost) • The Perfect Blend!! Reverse engineering a bluetooth

Making Progress Under Uncertainty in SMT Solving, Research, and Life


SAT and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers have many important applications in PL, including verification, testing, type checking and inference, and program analysis – but they are often a mysterious black box to their users, even when those users are PL researchers with lots of solver experience! This talk will be partly a tutorial introduction to the inner workings of SAT and SMT solvers, and partly an extended analogy to navigating life as a researcher: making decisions when you have only incomplete information to go on, learning from decisions that turned out to be bad, and determining when to give up and when to try again. I’ll also highlight a variety of papers in this year’s POPL program that make use of SAT and SMT solving, and discuss why I think it’s worthwhile to learn about solver internals.


  • Introduction
  • Self-intro
module Main where
import Data.IORef
data Counter = Counter { x :: IORef Int }
makeCounter :: Int -> IO Counter
makeCounter i = do iref <- newIORef i
return (Counter iref)
lkuper / blog.diff
Created December 29, 2017 03:48
Revision history of one of my blog posts.
$ git log -p --word-diff 2015-12-29-refactoring-as-a-way-to-understand-code.markdown | cat
commit 698f4140d1f141b339731f8fe8c984137f93880e
Author: Lindsey Kuper <>
Date: Fri Jun 9 14:00:31 2017 -0700
Tweak a bunch of tags, mostly!
diff --git a/source/_posts/2015-12-29-refactoring-as-a-way-to-understand-code.markdown b/source/_posts/2015-12-29-refactoring-as-a-way-to-understand-code.markdown
index 8cafa552c1..e3ccd2b267 100644
--- a/source/_posts/2015-12-29-refactoring-as-a-way-to-understand-code.markdown
t = 0.0, t/dt = 0.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 0.0
t = 0.0001, t/dt = 1.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 1.0
t = 0.0002, t/dt = 2.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 2.0
t = 0.0003, t/dt = 2.9999999999999996, mod(t/dt, 10) = 2.9999999999999996
t = 0.0004, t/dt = 4.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 4.0
t = 0.0005, t/dt = 5.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 5.0
t = 0.0006, t/dt = 5.999999999999999, mod(t/dt, 10) = 5.999999999999999
t = 0.0007, t/dt = 7.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 7.0
t = 0.0008, t/dt = 8.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 8.0
t = 0.0009, t/dt = 9.0, mod(t/dt, 10) = 9.0
lkuper / gist:902730b0dd9e2ee4e499c1beda748fc1
Created October 13, 2016 17:51
My .aspell.en.pws file as of October 13, 2016
julia> foo = 3
julia> function test(a::Type{Val{foo}}) return foo end
test (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> test(Val{foo})
julia> foo = 4
lkuper / bulk_email.rb
Created July 19, 2016 05:51
Tiny script for sending bulk emails via Gmail.
# Dependencies: `gem install ruby-gmail`
require 'gmail'
require 'csv'
email_subject = "subject line"
email_body ="email.txt", "rb").read
username = "username"
#lang racket
;; A solver for the following puzzle:
;; Given 5 integers a, b, c, d, and e,
;; find an expression that combines a, b, c, and d with arithmetic operations (+, -, *, and /) to get e.
(require srfi/1)
(define ops '(+ - * /))
;; permutations: takes a list and returns a list of lists,
;; where each is a permutation of the original.
;; I got the idea for the algorithm from
(define (permutations ls)
;; base cases: lists of length 0, 1, or 2
[(null? ls) '(())]
[(equal? (length ls) 1) `((,(first ls)))]
[(equal? (length ls) 2)
`((,(first ls) ,(second ls))