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Created July 25, 2024 08:18
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Railway Programming with Python Returns library
import random
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from returns.pipeline import flow
from returns.pointfree import alt, bind, lash, map
from returns.result import Failure, Result, Success
from dataclasses import dataclass
Metadata = Dict[str, Any]
class NoEntriesFoundError(Exception):
count: int
def __init__(self, count: int) -> None:
self.count = count
super().__init__("No entries found")
class NoAttributeIdFoundError(Exception):
attrs: Optional[Dict] = None
def __init__(self, *, attrs=None) -> None:
self.attrs = attrs
super().__init__("No attribute 'id' found")
class MetadataEntryNotFound(Exception):
attrs: Optional[Dict] = None
id: Optional[str] = None
def __init__(
id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None: = id
self.attrs = attrs
super().__init__(f"No metadata entry found with id[{id}]")
Error = NoEntriesFoundError | NoAttributeIdFoundError | MetadataEntryNotFound
def find_metadata_entries(
count: int) -> Result[List[Metadata], NoEntriesFoundError]:
#print(f"count: {count}")
if count == 0:
return Failure(NoEntriesFoundError(count))
metas = [{"id": str(x)} for x in range(count)]
#print(f"metas: {metas}")
return Success(metas)
def filter_metadata_by_id(
metas: List[Metadata],
attrs: Optional[Dict] = None
) -> Result[Metadata, NoAttributeIdFoundError | MetadataEntryNotFound]:
#print(f"filter_metadata_by_id.attrs: {attrs}")
#print(f"filter_metadata_by_id.metas: {metas}")
id = attrs.get("id") if attrs else None
if id is None:
return Failure(NoAttributeIdFoundError(attrs=attrs))
meta = next(filter(lambda x: x.get("id") == id, metas), None)
if not meta:
return Failure(MetadataEntryNotFound(id=id, attrs=attrs))
return Success(meta)
def fallback_with_a_single_entry(
err: NoEntriesFoundError) -> Result[Any, Error]:
match err:
case NoEntriesFoundError():
print("[FALLBACK]: ValueError: {}".format(err))
print("[FALLBACK]: Trying with one entry")
return find_metadata_entries(1)
case _:
print("[DEBUG]: Exception: {}".format(err))
return Failure(err)
def debug_on_failure(err: Failure) -> Result[Any, Exception]:
match err:
case ValueError():
print("[DEBUG]: err: {}".format(err))
case Exception():
print("[DEBUG]: Exception: {}".format(err))
return err
def find_by_attrs(
count: int,
attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Result[Metadata, Exception]:
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}
return flow(
bind(partial(filter_metadata_by_id, attrs=attrs)),
if __name__ == '__main__':
# import pdb
# pdb.set_trace()
# breakpoint()
calls = [
# find_by_attrs(5, attrs={"id": "2"}),
# find_by_attrs(
# 1,
# attrs={"no": False},
# ),
# find_by_attrs(
# 2,
# attrs={"id": "3"},
# ),
match random.choice(calls):
case Failure(err):
print(f"Failure: Error: {err}")
case Success(meta):
print(f"Success: Meta: {meta}")
asttokens==2.4.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.12" \
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