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Last active February 12, 2016 17:13
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Clean Code Example
(function () {
var articleImage = document.querySelectorAll('.article img'),
nextArrow = document.getElementById('#nextArrow'),
previousArrow = document.getElementById('prevArrow');
articleImage.addEventListener('click', openGallery);
nextArrow.addEventListener('click', showNextImage)
previousArrow.addEventListener('click', showPreviousImage)
function openGallery() {
function showNextImage() {
function showPreviousImage() {
function(i, a, t, e, r) {
var l, n = this,
o = function(l) {
l.onload = null
var o = l.width,
s = l.height
if (r) {
var d = o / a,
c = s / t,
h = Math.min(d, c)
s = Math.min(s, parseInt(s / h)), o = Math.min(o, parseInt(o / h))
} else o > a && (s /= o / a, o = a), s > t && (o /= s / t, s = t)
s = parseInt(s), o = parseInt(o), i.css({
height: s,
width: o
}), i.hasClass("lzyPlcHld") || i.attr("src", i.attr("data-src")).removeAttr("data-src"), n.log("loaded: " + i.attr("src") + " (" + o + "x" + s + ")" + (r ? " + crop" : "")), "function" == typeof e && e(i)
s = i.attr("data-src")
void 0 !== n.lazyLoadCache[s] ? (l = {
width: n.lazyLoadCache[s].width,
height: n.lazyLoadCache[s].height
}, n.log("loaded: using cache"), o(l)) : (l = new Image, l.onload = function() {
n.lazyLoadCache[s] = {
width: l.width,
height: l.height
}, o(l)
}, l.src = i.attr("data-src"))
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