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Created February 1, 2019 14:54
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Quick formik-semantic-ui implementation
type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>
declare module 'formik-semantic-ui' {
import { Fragment } from 'react'
import { FormikValues, FormikConfig, FormikState } from 'formik'
import { StrictFormProps, SemanticShorthandItem, HtmlLabelProps, FormInputProps, FormFieldProps, FormRadioProps, FormCheckboxProps, FormTextAreaProps, FormDropdownProps, FormButtonProps, DropdownItemProps, FormGroup } from 'semantic-ui-react'
export interface FormikComponentProps {
name: string
id?: string
label?: React.ReactNode
fieldProps?: FormFieldProps
export interface InputComponentProps extends FormikComponentProps {
inputProps?: FormInputProps
inputRef?: (el: HTMLInputElement) => void
export interface RadioComponentProps extends FormikComponentProps {
inputProps?: FormRadioProps
inputRef?: (el: HTMLInputElement) => void
export interface CheckboxComponentProps extends FormikComponentProps {
inputProps?: FormCheckboxProps
inputRef?: (el: HTMLInputElement) => void
export interface TextAreaComponentProps extends FormikComponentProps {
inputProps?: FormTextAreaProps
inputRef?: (el: HTMLTextAreaElement) => void
export interface DropdownComponentProps extends FormikComponentProps {
inputProps?: FormDropdownProps
options?: DropdownItemProps[]
export interface DropdownSchema extends DropdownComponentProps {
type: 'dropdown'
value?: any
export interface TextAreaSchema extends TextAreaComponentProps {
type: 'textarea'
value?: any
export interface CheckboxSchema extends CheckboxComponentProps {
type: 'checkbox'
value?: any
export interface InputSchema extends InputComponentProps {
type?: 'string'
value?: any
inputProps?: FormInputProps
export class Form<Values = FormikValues> extends React.Component<
Omit<FormikConfig<Values>, 'component'> |
Pick<StrictFormProps, 'className' | 'inverted' | 'size'> | {
serverValidation?: boolean
ignoreLoading?: boolean
schema?: {
[field: string] : DropdownSchema | TextAreaSchema | CheckboxSchema | InputSchema
> {
static Children: typeof Fragment
static Group: typeof FormGroup
export class Input extends React.Component<InputComponentProps> {}
export class Radio extends React.Component<RadioComponentProps> {}
export class Checkbox extends React.Component<CheckboxComponentProps> {}
export class TextArea extends React.Component<TextAreaComponentProps> {}
export class Dropdown extends React.Component<DropdownComponentProps> {}
class ButtonBase extends React.Component<
Omit<FormButtonProps, 'type'>
> {}
export class Button extends ButtonBase {
static Submit: typeof ButtonBase
static Reset: typeof ButtonBase
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