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How to chat via telegram using command line
# install telegram-cli in ubuntu
cd # home folder
git clone --recursive && cd tg
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev libpython-dev
cd tg
./configure --disable-openssl
# start with:
# quit by
# peer names or user names with empty space
# use '_' instead of SPC!!
# if you see error:
# "FAIL: 38: can not parse arg #1"
# then carefully look for typos - or you forgot to use '_'
# how to get rid of the annoying login logout notifications?
# simple solution:
# start your session with:
~/tg/bin/telegram-cli -l 0 -k ~/tg/
# explanation:
# -l 0 log_level zero (eliminates notifications!)
# -k ~/tg/ which public key to use
# list all peers
# list last N messages with a peer
history <peer> <N> # history Rommel_Martinez 10
# 1 to 1 chat with peer
# begin with
chat_with_peer <peer>
# quit with /exit or /quit
# send message to peer
msg <peer> "The message:\n newline - \" - if escaped characters not needed you can write without the double quotes"
# more commands:
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