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How to install TermuxArch in Termux of Android (Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1)
# How to install Arch in your Android (into the App TermuxArch)
# and be able to use your Android device like a personal computer
# even running a X server to have GUI

# Install Termux

# go to google playstore > Termux > install

# Install XServer XSDL

# go to google playstore > XServer XSDL > install
# start the XServer XSDL
# there will be sth shown like:

export DISPLAY=
x-window-manager & firefox


# in Termux, if you want to run an x-programm (program with graphical user interface)
# in TErmux, then type:
export DISPLAY=
# and then your program name

# Install TermuxArch via git clone

# create a github account for this 
# for github account, gmail account is necessary
# create a gmail account before creating github account

# install git on Termux if not done so
pkg install git

# download TermuxArch
git clone

# install prerequisites for arch
pkg install bsdtar
pkg install proot

# intall arch in termux
cd TermuxArch
# when successfully installed, it stayes in arch

# prepare pacman

# add mirror for pacman in arch
nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# uncomment a server in your country there - for me in Germany
# and save it C-x y # or j depending on language

# immediately update pacman
pacman -Syy
pacman -Syu

# install and start lxde, the GUI for arch

# install necessities for x
pacman -S xorg-server 
pacman -S lxde # install all!
pacman -S ttf-dejavu

# inside arch, give what is desired for x into terminal:
export DISPLAY=
# and then tart your graphical program

# Voila! Your LXDE should start and 
# using a bluetooth mouse and bluetooth keyboard,
# it feels like to own a full OS with GUI inside the android!

# ########################
# # if you like fluxbox instead of lxde
# ########################
# # fluxbox had many errors
# pacman -S xterm
# pacman -S firefox
# pacman -S fluxbox

# install stuff you like via pacman -S

# to program lisp using emacs and sbcl, I installed:
pacman -S sbcl
pacman -S emacs

### I tried to install X11 on Termux, but this was too complicated
### I recommend rather to run X from inside TermuxArch in Termux!
# # install necessities
# # following:
# # exit arch and in Termux(!) do:
# pkg install dirmngr
# apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 9D6D488416B493F0
# # If you have a trouble with accessing key server, you can manually download public key and add it:
# curl -LO
# apt-key add pubkey.asc
# # I had to do $ pkg install curl
# # open sources list
# nano $PREFIX/etc/apt/sources.list
# # in Termux, the 'root' is at $PREFIX!!
# # add the two lines into sources.list file:
# # Xeffyr's Extra packages
# deb extra main x11
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mohmady commented Oct 6, 2021

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