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;; aspirated by illiichi
;; from
;; Compassion through algorithms - Algorave Tokyo
;; (
(:use '
(defmacro switch [trig a b]
`(let [t# (abs ~trig)]
mxactvtd / TidalCyclesQuickReferenceStub.tidal
Last active August 15, 2024 14:40
TidalCycles Quick Reference compiled and partially rewritten documentation from various sources
---- TidalCycles QUICK REFERENCE ----
-- To use in your editor after or alongside your code for quick reference
-- Work in progress, mostly to be used as basis for further documnentation work, sorry for the errors and omissions
-- designed with atom - monokai one dark vivid as theme
-- - check for update, I keep updating this quite often atm
-- Some sources of Documentation --
import oscP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
int bass2, bd, sn = 0;
void setup() {
oscP5 = new OscP5(this,4000);
oscP5.plug(this,"tidal","/tidal"); //register method to listen to the message
mossheim /
Last active March 1, 2017 05:18
Regression tests for the SuperCollider lexer, parser, and interpreter.

sclang Tests

TL;DR: Regression tests for the SuperCollider lexer, parser, and interpreter.

Brian Heim, 28 jan 2017


This document proposes the form and high-level implementation details of a series of rigorous regression tests for the SuperCollider lexer, parser, and interpreter.

kindohm / snippets.cson
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
atom-tidal snippets
# atom-tidal snippets
# These are atom editor snippets that automate some of my common tasks
# while live coding music with Tidal. They only work with .tidal files.
# To use, in Atom go to File -> Open Your Snippets, then paste in this code.
# I created these snippets because I often find myself typing the same Tidal code
# over and over again. Your mileage may vary; maybe these don't suit your needs,
# but you can also use them as a reference for your own Tidal snippets.
lifewinning /
Last active March 17, 2023 21:44
Recommended Reading/Bibliography on Predictive Policing/Sorry and Thanks

OK. So I wrote some article about predictive policing. And it had lots of links, and it turns out sometimes editors see your links and are like ¯_(ツ)_/¯ to keeping those links when they publish the article. This is probably in part my own fault because I should have included those links as footnotes, and because working in print vs working online is Different, etc etc--the point is I feel really rotten that lots of really good reporting wasn't given due credit. Putting this list together does not totally fix it but will hopefully help people interested in the topic.

Also: there is a part at the end of this gist that explains my mixed feelings about the piece in general. The citations are probably more important, but if you want to watch me tableflip a little scroll down.

2015-01-29 Unofficial Relay FAQ

Compilation of questions and answers about Relay from React.js Conf.

Disclaimer: I work on Relay at Facebook. Relay is a complex system on which we're iterating aggressively. I'll do my best here to provide accurate, useful answers, but the details are subject to change. I may also be wrong. Feedback and additional questions are welcome.

What is Relay?

Relay is a new framework from Facebook that provides data-fetching functionality for React applications. It was announced at React.js Conf (January 2015).

hughrawlinson /
Last active February 26, 2018 19:30
Web Audio Conference Presentation Resources

Monday morning, January 26, 2015

9.15 Keynote #1 Audio and the Web - Chris Wilson

Tools & Components

###Session Moderator: Raphaël Troncy 10.30 Building a Collaborative Digital Audio Workstation Based on the Web Audio API - Jan Monschke

bwhitman / msd.txt
Created January 2, 2015 01:33
Attachment instructions for the MSD
The toughest part was getting access to an EC2 instance. I followed
To set up the aws command line interface, I followed
(for my MacBook)
I don't recall how I set up the public/private key pair, but it wasn't
dexteryy /
Last active August 17, 2017 02:16
W3C Standards for Web Apps on Mobile (After HTML5)