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Created March 17, 2020 21:43
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Create an Argo Pipeline YAML using Kubeflow pipelines SDK
import kfp
def print_func(param: int):
def list_func(param: int) -> list:
return list(range(param))
def pipeline(param: int):
list_func_op = list_func(param)
with kfp.dsl.ParallelFor(list_func_op.output) as param:
if __name__ == '__main__':
artifact_location = ArtifactLocation.s3(
insecure = False,
access_key_secret=V1SecretKeySelector(name="__secret_name__", key="aws-access-key-id"),
secret_key_secret=V1SecretKeySelector(name="__secret_name__", key="aws-secret-access-key"))
# config pipeline level artifact location
conf = dsl.PipelineConf()
conf = conf.set_artifact_location(artifact_location)
workflow_dict = kfp.compiler.Compiler()._create_workflow(pipeline,pipeline_conf=conf)
workflow_dict['metadata']['namespace'] = "default"
del workflow_dict['spec']['serviceAccountName']
kfp.compiler.Compiler._write_workflow(workflow_dict, "pipe.yaml")
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