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Last active February 3, 2022 19:51
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Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
this.setDate(this.getDate() + days);
return this;
var course_dom = document.querySelectorAll("tbody tr.ant-table-row")
var course_result = []
course_dom.forEach(function(course_) {
const course = course_.querySelectorAll("td")
const dts = dt_convert(course[7].innerText.split('-')[0])
var course_name = course[4].innerText
var course_location = course[7].innerText.split('-')[1]
dts.forEach(function(course_dt) {
var school_start_date = new Date("14 Feb 2022 00:00 UTC")
date_ = school_start_date.addDays(course_dt['weekday'] - 1).toISOString().substring(0,11).replaceAll('-', '')
start_dt = date_ + course_dt['time']['start']
end_dt = date_ + course_dt['time']['end']
title: course_name,
start_dt: start_dt,
end_dt: end_dt,
location: course_location
function dt_convert(time_str) {
const weekday_table = {
M: 1,
T: 2,
W: 3,
R: 4,
F: 5,
S: 6,
U: 7
var time_re = /([MTWRFSU])([123456789abcdyzn]*)/g
var time_ = [...time_str.matchAll(time_re)]
var result = []
time_.forEach(function(time) {
var result_ = {
weekday: weekday_table[time[1]],
time: time_convert(time[2])
return result
// 56
function time_convert(time_str) {
const time_table = {
y: ['060000', '065000'],
z: ['070000', '075000'],
2: ['090000', '095000'],
1: ['080000', '085000'],
3: ['101000', '110000'],
4: ['111000', '120000'],
n: ['122000', '131000'],
5: ['132000', '141000'],
6: ['142000', '151000'],
7: ['153000', '162000'],
8: ['163000', '172000'],
9: ['173000', '182000'],
a: ['183000', '192000'],
b: ['193000', '202000'],
c: ['203000', '212000'],
d: ['213000', '222000']
var time_result = {
start: null,
end: null
for (var i=0; i<time_str.length;i++) {
if(i == 0) {
time_result['start'] = time_table[time_str[i]][0]
if(i == time_str.length - 1) {
time_result['end'] = time_table[time_str[i]][1]
return time_result
function new_event( title, start_dt, end_dt, location ) {
return (
"UID:" + + ".nycu." + Math.random().toString() + "\n" +
"DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Taipei:" + start_dt + "\n" +
"DTEND;TZID=Asia/Taipei:" + end_dt + "\n" +
"SUMMARY:" + title + "\n" +
"LOCATION:" + location + "\n" +
function generate_ics(events_) {
var events = []
events_.forEach(function(event) {
events.push(new_event(event['title'], event['start_dt'], event['end_dt'], event['location']))
return ics_template.replace('{events}', events.join(""))
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