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Last active July 2, 2024 14:08
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Preserve namespaces when traversing trees (see also the clean solution that works in Saxon
xquery version "3.1";
module namespace emt="//external-module-test";
declare function emt:transform($node as node()) as node()+ {
typeswitch ($node)
case document-node() return document { emt:transform($node/element()) }
case attribute(xml:id) return (
attribute old-id { $node/string() },
attribute xml:id { "s" || $node }
case element() return element { node-name($node) } {
(: in a library module we can use the clean version of the namespace construction :)
in-scope-prefixes($node) ! namespace { . } { namespace-uri-for-prefix(., $node) },
$node/(@*, *) ! emt:transform(.)
default return $node
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xi="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:math="">
<div data="something" old-id="0ld" xml:id="s0ld">
<a xi:include="something"/>
xquery version "3.1";
import module namespace emt="//external-module-test" at "emt.xq";
declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method 'xml';
declare option output:indent 'yes';
declare function local:transform($node as node()) as node()+ {
typeswitch ($node)
case document-node() return document { local:transform($node/element()) }
case attribute(xml:id) return (
attribute old-id { $node/string() },
attribute xml:id { "s" || $node }
case element() return element { node-name($node) } {
(: in a main module we need to workaround a quirk in eXistdb to construct namespaces :)
("", in-scope-prefixes($node)[. castable as xs:NCName])
! namespace { . } { namespace-uri-for-prefix(., $node) },
$node/(@*, *) ! local:transform(.)
default return $node
declare variable $testdata :=
<div data="something" xml:id="0ld">
<a xi:include="something" ></a>
<svg:svg />
<math:math />
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