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Last active February 10, 2023 09:46
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Validate ORCIDs (both format and checksum)
xquery version "3.1";
module namespace orcid="orcid/validate";
declare variable $orcid:R := 2;
declare variable $orcid:M := 11;
declare variable $orcid:format := '^(\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{3}|\d{15})[0-9X]$';
declare variable $orcid:is-valid-format := matches(?, $orcid:format);
declare variable $orcid:expected-sum := map{
'1':1, '2':2, '3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, 'X':10
declare function orcid:reduce-digits ($res as xs:integer, $next as xs:integer) as xs:integer {
($res + $next) * $orcid:R mod $orcid:M
declare function orcid:checksum ($digits as xs:integer+) as xs:integer {
let $intermediate-result := fold-left($digits, 0, orcid:reduce-digits#2)
return ($orcid:M + 1 - $intermediate-result) mod $orcid:M
declare function orcid:validate-checksum ($id-without-dashes as xs:string) as xs:boolean {
let $actual :=
substring($id-without-dashes, 1, 15)
=> local:to-integer-sequence()
=> orcid:checksum()
let $expected :=
substring($id-without-dashes, 16, 1)
=> $orcid:expected-sum()
return (
$actual eq $expected or
"The checksum did not match: expected " || $expected || " got " || $actual || ".",
($expected, $actual))
declare function local:to-integer-sequence ($id-part as xs:string) as xs:integer+ {
string-to-codepoints($id-part) ! (. - 48)
declare function orcid:validate-format ($id as xs:string) as xs:string {
if (not($orcid:is-valid-format($id)))
then error(xs:QName('orcid:invalid-format'),
"The provided ID does not match the required format '" || $orcid:format || "'.")
else $id
declare function orcid:validate ($id as xs:string) as xs:boolean {
=> replace('-', '')
=> orcid:validate-checksum()
xquery version "3.1";
import module namespace orcid="orcid/validate" at "orcid.xqm";
let $inputs := (
(: valid :)
(: valid, with X :)
(: valid, no-dashes :)
(: invalid :)
(: invalid, no-dashes :)
(: invalid, random :)
$inputs ! (
try {
<check id="{.}" valid="{ orcid:validate(.) }" />
catch orcid:* {
<check id="{.}" valid="false"
code="{ $err:code }"
reason="{ $err:description }" />
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